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"San, wait!"

I ran after the boy and caught up with him just as he was around to run off behind the football field.

"Talk to me" my hands gripped his arm as tightly as possible and I huffed. He is fast, this boy.

San wiped the sweat off of his forehead with the back of his hand and sighed.

"I have nothing to talk about," he said, his expression annoyed.

I shook my head. "No, something is troubling you," I said. "Something that has to do with me."

San looked away, scratching his neck.

"Did I do something to annoy you?"
I kinda have a hunch as to why he is behaving like this but I didn't want to jump to any conclusions. So I let him tell me himself. I wanna hear him say it to my face.

"Soobin," He said, barely a whisper. "It's not you."

He looked me in the eyes and I saw hurt. He looked weak and sad.

"San are you okay?" I said, not knowing how to carry the conversation.

He shook his head. "I don't know" he mumbled, a tear trickling down his cheek.

"San...." I took a step forwards, trying to hold the crying boy. But instead, San stepped back from me.

"It's not you okay? It's me. I don't know what's happening to me." He sobbed.

I took out a can of orange juice I had slipped into my backpack as a snack. "Drink this and calm down."

He took a sip and smiled a little. "Thanks"

Neither of us spoke for a while. San finished his drink and we just stood beside each other, contemplating how to start the conversation.

"I like girls," San said, looking at me.

"Okay..." how do I reply to him suddenly confessing his heterosexuality?

"I never felt this way for a guy before." He looked me straight in the eyes. "Not until you-"

Wait, is he saying what I think he is saying? That's not possible, right?

"Not until you came into the picture and he started spending time with you," San said. "I don't know what this is that I've been feeling for the last three months."

"So um" I cleared my throat. "You like a guy?"

He shook his head. "Nooo," he whined. "I mean I'm not sure."

"Is it someone I know?" I have a hunch but I want to hear it directly from San.

"Yes," he played with his fingers. "Yes, you know him."

I smiled. "You know what San? You can be honest with me."

San nodded. "I don't know since when but I think I like Wooyoung" he very quietly mumbled.

"You do?" I asked a small smirk on my lips. I already knew.

"He is annoying and loud and stupid. We have history class together and he is always teasing me." He explained. "Wooyoung is very clingy with me since freshmen year and I have never enjoyed his company not until he started ignoring me..."

"Because of me, I'm assuming?" I asked.

He nodded. "He is always sitting next to you or playing with your hair or joking with you. I just, I don't know I think I feel-"


A new voice spoke from behind the tree, making the two of us jump on our feet.

"I'm sorry to scare you" a boy, with brown hair and rosy cheeks, stepped from behind the shadows and showed himself, smiling at me. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop either."

"Taehyun!" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Where's Beomgyu?"

"He had to see his teacher so I came here." He shyly said.


"As I was saying," Taehyun very calmly started speaking, his attention fixed on San, "you are jealous."

San's eyes widened. "How do you-"

"I have been in a similar situation you see" he smiled. "And it was because of Soobin as well."


Taehyun chuckled. "You and Beomgyu were never alone, always together, and that made me jealous."

Makes sense. Sorry, Taehyun.

"Jealous you say?" San said, breaking the silence.

"Yes," Taehyun said. "You don't like it when your guy talks to other people and gives them attention. You want him to only look at you and when that person doesn't pay you enough attention, you get mad. Jealous even."

Taehyun sounded like a relationship expert. Manz experienced.

"I guess you should accept your feelings for him and the fact that you indeed like guys which is normal. And whatever you said about him being clingy with you since last year, I think it's safe to assume that he is completely whipped for you."

San stood rooted to the spot. I think he even stopped breathing at one point.

"I have to go," San said, and he ran away, leaving me with Taehyun.

"Did I scare him?" Taehyun asked me.

"You did" I nervously chuckled. Hopefully, my friend comes to terms with himself. Hopefully, that happens soon.


A short chapter update!!! I was busy with Christmas that's why I couldn't upload on time :((

Posting more chapters soon<3

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