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"You will pick up the cake and his gift tomorrow exactly at 11am." Beomgyu pointed a finger at me, "And Yeonjun, you clean the entire place in the meantime."

"Why me?" Yeonjun whined. "And my house is already clean"

Beomgyu eyed him. "No, it's not"

My best friend started pacing in the living room, scanning his to-do list. He was mumbling tasks and crossing out the ones that were already done.

"I will be there to pick him up at sharp 11.30" he muttered to himself.

You see besties, my best friend has a lover who happens to be coming tomorrow to California and that was freaking Beomgyu out.

Taehyun was going to be spending his entire autumn break, almost a week, with us. And for his welcome, Beomgyu has been trying to come up with the perfect plan to suprise his boyfriend.

"Wait" Beomgyu halted in his steps. "Where will he sleep?"

He looked at Yeonjun who was staring at him with a blank expression. "Your bed?"

"No way!" I spoke up urgently. The thing is, I cannot tolerate Beomgyu. Imagine having two of him.

Beomgyu sighed. "The bed is too small for two people"

Beomgyu began pacing the room again, his eyebrows knitted tightly.

"Is there any specific reason why you said no?" Yeonjun shifted a little closer to me and whispered.

I shook my head. "I don't want a live romance movie playing in my room 24/7"

Yeonjun laughed at what I had just said. "Understandable"

"I know!" Beomgyu's eyes were shinning when he sat on the floor, in front of the two of us.

Beomgyu joined his together, like that namaskar formation in South Asian countries and bowed. "Please share a room for a week"

Five minutes. For five whole minutes no one spoke. I sat there, staring at my bestfriend whose face looked very punchable but I had to control myself.

"W-what?" Yeonjun said, his voice cracking.

Beomgyu laid in front of us like a snake and held his hands out. "Please do it for me. I beg you"

Yeonjun looked at me and I looked at him. Is this the y/n moment people were so excited about?

Sharing a room with someone you fancied is something that can only happen in wattpad. (author- who's gonna tell him?)

"Sorry Beomgyu" Yeonjun shook his head. "I'll have to say no"

"Pleeeaase" he whined, almost at the verge of tears. "We won't be able to do anything with Soobin in the same room"

"I can sleep here on the couch" I said. "He can take my bed"

Beomgyu looked at me and frowned. "But this sofa won't even fit your torso let alone your entire body."

This is a fact. I don't know why but Yeonjun has two small couches instead of a long sofa. That man has weird preference in furniture.

"You know what" Yeonjun ran both his hands through his hair and fixed his locks. "Let's share a room"

Did I hear it correctly?

"I have an extra mattress" Yeonjun muttered, looking at his brother. "Don't worry"

Beomgyu jumped up from the floor and hugged Yeonjun. "My dear brother!" He cried. "I love you so much"

He attempted to kiss his cheek but Yeonjun smacked him.

Beomgyu was back to his excited self, writing hurriedly on his tiny notepad. "Accommodation-done" he said, grinning happily.

"Are you sure about it?" I whispered softly, not sure if the situation was alright for us both.

Yeonjun smiled and nodded softly. "It's just a week"

We sat beside each other, the gap between our shoulders rather small but neither of us moved away.

Now that I think about it, does Yeonjun remember that I have already slept with him?
Stop smirking! Do not look at me like that bestie! Slept as in sleep beside each other. I know it wasn't technically beside each other but yeah, we have already shared a bed before. What if he has no memory of that day?

"I almost forgot!" Beomgyu facepalmed himself. "Liam is coming too and I need to make space for him"

I watched my best friend dash up the stairs, to our joint bedroom, disappearing from sight.

"Who's Liam?" Yeonjun raised an eyebrow. "I thought only Taehyun was coming"

I chuckled. "His pet snail"

"I thought his snail was a lady" Yeonjun scratched his neck. "Aurora I think?"

"Oh" I guess telling him the truth would be okay?
"She left" I said.

"Left? Where to?" He questioned, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Yeonjun, please don't tell Beomgyu about this but," I looked back at the staircase to check that the said boy wasn't anywhere near me. He wasn't. The coast was clear.

"She passed away. More like murdered" I whispered and Yeonjun's eyes widened. "Gyu thinks she eloped with her lover-"

"Eloped? Lover?" Yeonjun burst into a loud laughter. "What the heck"

I suppressed my smile. "Yes, he thinks that's what happened but actually, I squished her with my foot"

Laughter filled the room. Yeonjun was tearing up and once in a while we would make eye contact that would erupt another round of chuckles from us. Not gonna lie, his laugh is very cute.

"You what?!"

Beomgyu was standing by the TV stand, a basket of dirty laundry in his hands.

"You killed Aurora!?" He gasped, dropping the wooden basket, scattering the stuff everywhere.

"S-sorry" okay, that's my cue to run as fast as possible, away from an angry Beomgyu.

"Come back here Soobin!" Beomgyu shouted and chased after me.

Let's just say, the beating I received was expected. Sorry Beomgyu.



MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now