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Yeonjun's pov

Sexuality. Sexuality is something I never thought I would lose my sleep over.
In my 20 years of existence, there was never a moment in my life where I had to question myself about what gender I like. Girls, obviously. I grew up having crushes on girls, dating some girls, and even sleeping with girls in college. All my life, I've only been attracted to girls. Then why this sudden self-doubt?

Now that I think about it, none of my previous relationships were long-lasting. I could barely date a girl before dumping them or getting dumped by them within the first month. My longest relationship lasted for 41 days. That was when I was in my second year of high school.

I'm not saying that I don't like girls. They are pretty. They are cute. They have boobs which used to be my favorite. But suddenly, they aren't as appealing to me as they were before. Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way saying women are unattractive or not pretty. That's not what I'm saying. All I'm saying is, that suddenly, for some reason, I have been noticing boys more than girls. And not all boys, I'm not a creep. But one boy who seems to have caught my eye. This guy who showed up a few months ago is now wrecking my brain with images of him that should not exist.

I wish I was more like Wooyoung. We have been best friends since middle school. And since day 1, he has been very open about his sexuality and preferences. In high school, he even confessed that he had a crush on my other best friend Changbin, who at that time was very antisocial and only hung out with me. However, Wooyoung's crush was short-lived. Lasted only for two months.

But the reason why I respect him is that he isn't scared to admit his feelings and to be himself. He is brave to go after this guy named San for one entire year. If it was me, the constant rejections would have killed my confidence but this guy Wooyoung, wasn't affected at all. And look, he got his man. He won San's heart and now they are happily dancing together. Nice.

"Don't just sit there like a depressed soul." Changbin had two drinks in his hands. He handed me one and sipped his. "You were so excited for tonight, what happened to you?"

I shrugged, tasting the alcohol. I'm not sure what exactly this concoction is, but I trust my friend to not give me something extremely strong for me to handle.

"Minnie was asking me about you." Changbin slipped into the seat beside me on the couch. "She said she wanted to have a talk with you."

I shook my head. "Not happening"

If you didn't catch on, having a talk means I want to sleep with you. This is something Changbin and I came up with in college so that so body around us would understand and judge us.

"What's wrong with you?" Changbin said laughing. "Are you sick?"

"I don't know" I slurred out my words, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. "I don't know what's wrong with me Changbin."

Changbin caressed my head, stroking my hair softly. "You can talk to me."

Changbin had always been there for me. While Wooyoung is a bit sensitive and gets emotional whenever any of us opens up real quickly, Changbin always has this poker face and he might come off as cold and rude, but this guy is the strongest of us all. He would hold you tightly till you have cried all your tears out. He won't say anything if you don't want him to, he ain't judge you for being weak, but he would stay with you. That's why it's easier to discuss worries with him than with anybody else.

I trust my friend with everything. Except this. I can tell him everything and I know he won't judge me, but this. This thing that has been troubling me is something I cannot discuss with him. Not when he is homophobic.

"I am just tired."

Changbin smiled, holding my hands and giving them a friendly squeeze. "You will be fine."

I like sitting like this in silence, my mind going back to him. It's so annoying, seriously. Why would he not leave my head?

"Yeonjun~"  a nasal voice pierced my ears. I recognize this voice. Someone, please hide me.


I felt a heavy weight and a strong whiff of cherry blossoms clogging my nose. Please, anyone but her.

"I thought you didn't come." She said, snaking her arms around my shoulders, her long hair creeping up my torso.

"Can you move away Yunjin?" I said, shifting closer to Changbin, trying to create as much space as possible between her and me.

"I missed you too," She said, fluttering her eyelashes and intertwining our arms. On any other day, I wouldn't have pushed her away. Let's face it, Yunjin is hot. Like really hot. Any boy would commit arson to get her laid, even me. But not now. Not today. I'm done with women. I don't think I would want to have anything with girls for at least a little while. Not until I figured out this turmoil in my mind.

"Yunjin I'm not interested," I said and tried to remove her hands from around my waist. "I don't want to do anything with you, please go away."

Yunjin stopped, for a second. Before she smirked and leaned forwards, her face dangerously close to mine.

"You don't mean that." She said, ghosting her lips on mine. "Stop playing hard to get."

She said and inched forwards, her eyes glinting mischievously. When I say I tried my best, I meant I literally tried to push her away but I failed. Yunjin kissed me like there was no tomorrow, her purple lipstick tasted a bit tangy for some reason. She held me by the collar of my shirt, her free hand running all over my chest.

She sat on my lap, and I felt Changbin getting up from beside me and walking away. I hate him for not helping me out.

"Yunjin no," I said, but she ignored me and continued sucking on my neck.

To say that I was uncomfortable, would be an understatement. I felt miserable, and disgusted. And all these emotions multiplied ten times when I saw him.

Soobin, staring right at me, his face blank.




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