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Have you ever let your intrusive thoughts win over? You would be walking on the payment, minding your own business, but suddenly that tiny voice in your head goes, jump in front of the cars and your legs would literally move in obedience but thankfully your senses save you. Or you are chopping some vegetables for the fried rice you were craving but the voice in your head is telling you to slice your thigh open and you almost do it but thankfully you don't.
Anybody else experience these things? Or is it just me?

Take right now for example. I am walking home from the bakery with Taehyun's cake in hand but instead of protecting it from passersby, I wanna smash it in somebody's face. Sometimes I really do hate my thoughts. Infact, when I was younger, I used to think that there was actually a person living inside my head who was my friend and that's why I would obey and do stuff that would pop up in my mind until my mom told me to never listen to these intrusive thoughts. That voice was never a friend. It was a foe all along.

"I'm back" I inserted my key in the keyhole and pushed open the door, very carefully bringing the cake in.

The bakery was just down the street so thankfully the cake melt. Now I just have to keep it in the fridge and wait.

"Oh hey Soobin" Yeonjun walked out of the kitchen and greeted me. He was wearing gloves and held a cloth duster in one hand.

"Hi Yeonjun. Need any help?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Naah, I'm almost done"

"Then I'll go pick up the gift" I said, and turned around, about to leave.

"I already got it" he spoke, his back facing me. "You don't have to go"

"Thanks" I muttered. That saved me a lot of work because the gift shop is kinda far away.

I sat on one of the kitchen chairs and watched him work hard at cleaning. Yeonjun's back was tensed, showing how serious he was with the work in his hands.

I never knew he could clean this good. The house was almost spotless.

"I never knew Beomgyu was this serious about Taehyun" he started the conversation, breaking the silence.

"They have been together since high school started" I said.


"Why? You never had a long term relationship?" I asked, curious to know more about him.

Yeonjun removed his gloves and washed his hands. After drying them, he pulled out a chair across from me and sat down.

"No" he said, expressionless.

"Really?" I already knew the answer but still I pretended to be shocked. You see, I have heard a lot about Yeonjun and his friends. They are popular. Very popular actually, and Yeonjun has this reputation of a playboy along with his bestfriends. I don't usually believe in rumors but judging by the looks of it, this trio did give off some philanderer vibes. No joke.

"I don't date Soobin" He replied. "It's not my thing"

I hummed.

"What about you?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "You got a lover?"

When he said the word lover I blushed a little.
"N-no" what's with the stutter Soobin? Don't embarrass yourself.

He eyed me, waiting for a proper answer.

"I haven't been in a relationship" I said truthfully. "Dating isn't my thing either."

Yeonjun smirked. "I see"

Silence engulfed the two of us. I wanted to strike a convo but I guess I get way too shy in front of him. I mean, who wouldn't? I kinda have a crush on him so obviously I'm awkward around him.

"Do you" Yeonjun played with the bracelet he was wearing. "Do you like b-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the doorbell rang loudly, signaling that they were here.

"I'll go" Yeonjun hurriedly got up and walked to answer the door that revealed my best friend hugging his boyfriend tightly.

"Welcome home Hyun" Beomgyu's eyes were sparkling. He was always the enthusiastic one out of the two of us, but today he was extra jumpy and happy. It makes sense. His boyfriend came to meet him, of course he would be ecstatic.

"Wow" Taehyun's eyes were wide open. "Nice place"

When he saw me walk out of the kitchen, he smiled brightly.

"Hi Taehyun" I greeted him, wrapping his small body in my arms. "How are you?"

"I'm great!" He beamed at me.

"Taehyun, meet Yeonjun, my cousin brother. " Beomgyu introduced the two who smiled and fist bumped.

I stood there, watching Beomgyu hand the younger his gift which happened to be a massive pikachu plushie. How cute.

I glanced at Yeonjun who was standing there just as awkwardly as I was.

I wonder what he wanted to ask me. I guess we will never find out.

After talking for a bit, Yeonjun brought out the cake and some snacks for all of us. I have known Taehyun since he was in high school. And even though the last time I saw him was 3 months ago, he looked different. Really handsome and mature.

And Beomgyu, well Beomgyu was the happiest. He didn't even leave his boyfriend's side even when he excused himself to use the bathroom. He was stuck to him like glue.

I felt someone watching me silently but when I looked at him, he turned his head away, pretending as if he was staring at the ceiling.

Yeonjun. Today I found out that Yeonjun wasn't into relationships either, just like me. The only difference was, he has a playboy, as everyone said, and I wasn't. But why do I have this feeling that the rumors are not entirely true?

I don't know. Time would tell. I should go and bring my essentials downstairs because if you forgot, let me remind ya'll. I'm officially moving in with Yeonjun. For a week. And our week starts from tonight.


Double update cause why not ;)

I hope you liked this chapter!! Happy reading besties!

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