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Yeonjun's pov

Five years ago, Wooyoung made us take this quiz am I gay just for fun. I remember my results clearly as if it was just yesterday. 94% straight

I still don't understand how the quiz maker was able to come up with a percentage of heterosexuality in me but I didn't question it. And as for the remaining 6%, nobody bothered about it. As long as it said "heterosexual" I was happy.

I locked myself in my study room, even though I knew that I was home alone and if by chance I wasn't, nobody dares to come in this room, except for one person who isn't here so it was all cool.

Turning on my computer, I sat nervously on my chair. My legs bobbed up and down, waiting for the screen to light up.

Logging into Google, with shaky fingers, I started typing.

am I gay?

Multiple articles and quizzes popped up. Let's go with the one that says gay quiz heartstopper I don't know what that means but what's the harm in trying it out?

Questions. A bunch of questions were displayed on my screen. Okay Yeonjun, let's be honest and answer each one of them.

When you see a person from the same gender, have you ever wished you could date them?

No. But if it's him then maybe? Idk let's just say no for now. Wait, there's an option that says, only if they are hot Yup. He is hot. Definitely.

What is your height?

How does my height matter? But okay, let's say 6 feet.

What's the cutest thing in the world?

Me Obviously

Have you ever kissed someone of the same gender?

Yes. Yes, I have.

I bit my nails while waiting for the results. This is stressful. Why do I feel like peeing suddenly?

Yes, you are!! Gay people stand in line just to see you; they skip a beat when they see you; you are the heart robber. Many gay people approach you expecting to date you or just to get your attention. You are not only bright and beautiful but also intelligent and wise.

I have no words. I have no clue how they came to this conclusion.

Scrolling further I clicked quiz after quiz. The questions were bizarre. Preposterous even. Why do they wanna know my favorite chocolate? And why does it say that having colored hair means I'm gay? I just like the colour that's it. People who make these quizzes and write such articles know nothing about me.

Or do they?

Alright, last quiz of the day. am I gay by BuzzFeed

This was the same quiz I took with Wooyoung. This quiz never disappoints me. I'm definitely getting a good answer here.

It was long. Lots of graphic content and yes or no types of MCQs which I'm not going to type out cause I'm lazy. So yeah, let's wait for the results.

I'm anticipating heterosexual again. I mean, I can be wrong about my feelings. I just know that I can rely on buzzfeed to remind me that I was straight all along.

The screen lit up, a huge rainbow popping up with a smiling man sitting in the lap of a dude with pink hair.

74% homosexual



When I was eight years old, I used to sneak into my mom's bathroom and steal her hair dyes whenever something went wrong in my life. My mom loves colorful hair so she had a massive collection of temporary hair wax or gels I'm not really sure. But whatever it was, it made my hair colorful for a couple of days till I washed it off.

Since then, whenever there was a slight inconvenience in my life, I would select a colour and slap it on my head. Colours make me happy. Colours make me calm.

But who knew that dyeing your hair let's say purple means I'm gay? But BuzzFeed never lies. And if buzzfeed never lies, does that mean I'm one of them queers?

No, I don't feel attracted to any men. Except one. And girls too. I have suddenly started feeling a bit weird around girls. But I liked it when he kissed me. But if he is a man, doesn't it mean I'm gay?

What's happening to me? Why is it happening to me?

Picking up the bowl of hair dye, I added a little bit of conditioner and mixed it nicely. Black. That's what I'm going for. Black colour that represents me as an individual at this moment.

Also, if anyone is wondering why I'm not happy to have gotten gay as my results is not because I'm homophobic or anything. Heck, my best friend is gay and I have no problem. The real problem is, I feel as if I was lied to my whole life.

I cannot process these new feelings at all. Where are these feelings coming from? I'm confused. I'm so confused right now.

And I'm mature enough to know that these quizzes cannot determine anyone's sexuality, but they can be a little bit helpful I admit. For example, I was today years old when I found out that liking pineapple over watermelon means I'm gay. Cool.

A spectrum is a condition that is not limited to a specific set of values but can vary, without gaps, across a continuum. In simpler words, spectrum means a word used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme points

I think that sexuality is a broad spectrum. According to me, labeling ourselves with something should not be a big deal. Gay means being attracted to men. Or females if you are a woman yourself so you become a lesbian. I'm not gay. I don't like them cause they are men. Am I bisexual? Maybe. I don't know. And I don't wanna know right now.

Labeling myself right now is probably not the best idea. I feel that I should explore myself a little more. Dive deep within myself a bit more. That's how I'll find the answers.

Washing my hair after twenty minutes and blow drying, I looked at the new me in the mirror. Black hair after so long. I look like my old self. I like it.

I didn't plan on going tonight, but something in me was begging for me to dress up and go attend homecoming. And that's what I did. Wearing my favorite suit and setting my hair with hair gel, I drove to college, and walked straight to the venue, halting only when I saw the boy who has been creating all this turmoil inside of me lately.

Standing alone with a big grin on his face, Soobin was watching his friends going crazy on the dance floor, his dimples on full display.

Alright Yeonjun, let's do this. You got this.


I'm the author who wrote this book but I'm super excited for the next upload even though I know what's going to happen. Can't wait to share it with ya'll

And yes, I took these quizzes for the sake of this chapter and yes, these are my results lol.

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