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"Mingi, look!" Yunho poked Felix' cheek with his long finger. "He has freckles."

Mingi's eyes shined brightly and he moved closer to the boy. "Omg yes! So pretty."

The couple was sitting on either side of Felix who was squished between them. Today Beomgyu and Felix decided to join me and my group of friends for lunch and I must say, it was just chaos.

Yunho and Mingi couldn't stop pointing out pretty things about Felix's face who sat giggling cutely. Beomgyu and San were fighting over what Pokémon is the best. Honestly, I think it's fire. I believe in Charizard supremacy.

"Freckles means a fairy sprinkled pixie dust on you," Yunho said, earning nods from Mingi.

"You have really big eyes."

"Your nose is so cute!"

"You are soft too!"

"Were you a model back in Australia?"

Felix giggled, covering his face. "You are making me shy."

The atmosphere at our lunch table was loud and friendly. Beomgyu and Felix are friendly and fun, but because they have their break at a different time than us, we all rarely get to sit together.

"How can you choose Squirtle? Bulbasaur is so much better!" Beomgyu slammed his fist on the table.

"He is good for nothing!" San yelled back. "Squirtle gives you Blastoise at the end!"

"Water type is just meh." Beomgyu stuck out his tongue at San who threw his half-eaten pear at him.

"You take that back!"

Yeah, chaos. I should have known these two would end up fighting. This always happens when two Pokémon fans with different preferences meet. Not surprised. Not even disappointed because I'm the same.

I'm liking the college. Everything is so much better than high school here. First, you don't have to wear a uniform, you can dress up however you wish. Second, the courses are very interesting. On top of that, teachers are chill and don't care whether you are paying attention or sleeping in class.

Third, you get to try so many new things. I didn't sign up for any club or extracurricular activities for my freshmen year, but that doesn't mean there ain't anything interesting. Loads of new skills can be learned in clubs. And lastly, friends. I lacked friends growing up, sticking with only Beomgyu for the entirety of the middle and high school.

Don't get me wrong, I love Beomgyu. I still do, but sometimes you want to have a group of people you can lean on. Have fun with, go on trips with. And guess what? College let me have a friend group I've always wanted, and I'm thankful for it.

"Sannie~" a loud, very loud, or shall I say; an earsplitting voice echoed in the cafeteria, the voice ricocheting off the brick walls.

"Sannie!" Wooyoung, very excitedly skipped to our table, squeezing himself between San and Beomgyu to sit in the middle. "Sannie!"

Wooyoung grinned widely at the boy who was trying his best not to crack a smile or to let anyone see the blush that was creeping on his cheeks. Let me tell you, he was miserably failing to do so.

"Hi," he mumbled. "Hi, Wooyoung."

"Hi Sannie," the boy said, inching closer to San and looking at him directly in his eyes. "You look so handsome today. Actually, you look handsome everyday but today you look exceptionally handsome."

San looked away, his entire face as red as a tomato.

"Mind if we join?" Two boys came over to where we were sitting.

"Of course" Felix smiled at the newcomers and scooted over to make space for them. Changbin sat between Yunho and Beomgyu, and Yeonjun occupied the empty space beside me.

Everyone's attention was fixed on the two boys who were busy with each other, in their own world. San and Wooyoung were having a deep conversation. No, scratch that. Wooyoung was talking about some sort of seasonal fruit and San was just listening, his lips curled up in a soft smile. He was obviously not paying attention to anything Wooyoung was talking about, but his expressions clearly showed how interested he was in looking at the boy's pretty face. He wasn't even blinking lol.

"Guys, the semester is ending soon!" Wooyoung exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Right, it feels as if college started just yesterday," Beomgyu said, eating his burger.

"Are you doing anything during break?" Yunho asked Felix who shook his head.

"I'll probably stay at the dorm. I'm not going back home this time."

Right, Felix is an exchange student. He used to be Beomgyu's penfriend from high school and decided to join this college along with him. And not going home meant not going back to Australia. It's quite far and expensive for a two-week long trip. Not worth the money, if you ask me.

"We have the end-of-semester party next week," Changbin said. "Before homecoming." (a/n- I'm not sure about American colleges so please tell me if the formal dance is called prom or homecoming. I have no clue lol)

"How about we all go somewhere? After homecoming is over, let's go on a trip. All of us!" Wooyoung said excitedly, earning mixed reactions.

"Um, I'm not sure about that," Mingi mumbled, glancing at Yunho.

"Yeah, I'm not sure either."

The couple looked at Changbin and Yeonjun who were sharing glances as well.

Let me explain. Yunho and Mingi don't like Changbin and Yeonjun. Changbin and Yeonjun don't like Yunho and Mingi. I think they are okay with spending lunch together once in a while because Wooyoung is friends with them and San. No, it's not a huge rivalry. Just college boys not clicking together. No big deal according to me.

"Whyy" Wooyoung whined, pouting at San. "It would be so fun."

San gave his friends a look before wrapping an arm around Wooyoung. "You are right. We should go on a trip together."

Yunho and Mingi glared at San who simply ignored them.

"I think it would be a good bonding experience," San said. "Right, Soobin?"

"Huh?" He caught me off guard. "Yeah, I guess it can be."

"Okay!" Wooyoung cheered. "We will discuss the details after our last exam that's the day after tomorrow." He hugged San. "Thanks for backing me up." He whispered loud enough for everyone present at the table to hear.

"You're welcome" San smiled, hugging the boy back.


Some really interesting chapters coming up!!!

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