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The majority of chapters are going to be Soobin's perspective except for a few. If a name is mentioned in the beginning (like in the ch before this) then it's their pov and if not, then Soobin automatically becomes the narrator. I'll make sure to mention whose pov it is in the beginning to avoid any confusion :)


Dionysus is the God of the grape harvest, orchids, fruits, and most importantly, wine. He is a half-blood and came out of Zeus' thigh. Gross if you imagine the whole process but that's how Zeus is. Giving birth to his kids in weird ways.

Dionysus is a God who has powers to grow vines from thin air. He can also transform into a lion or a bull on command. But the power I find very interesting is how he turns any liquid into alcohol with just the touch of his finger. Cool isn't it?

Alcohol in general is something I cannot handle. Like at all. One drink and I feel light enough to soar through the skies.

Last night I seemed to have crossed my limit because I have zero memory of what happened.

Rubbing my eyes open, I looked around only to find myself wrapped like a burrito in Yeonjun's bed. Not having any idea how I ended up here, I am gonna assume it was Beomgyu who brought me back. Even though he was drunk as hell too, I'll trust my friend on this one.

Dionysus claimed that wine is something that doesn't harm your body. He said that alcohol in general is something that has only positive effects on your body. His disciples spread the same message but you know what I think? I think that is total bullshit and that Dionysus was bluffing just to remain the leader of his little cult for as long as possible.

Just as he said, alcohol won't kill you, but it definitely made you wish you were dead because this headache is unbearable.

Taking a cold shower didn't help either. The ice-cold water did help my body to wake up and get rid of the tiredness, but my headache was getting worse. Picking up whatever clothes my hands could reach from my pile, I got dressed and walked out of Yeonjun's room, toward the kitchen to make myself some hangover soup.

But I didn't have to.

A blue-haired boy was sitting at the dining table, his back facing me. He sat crossed armed with a variety of food spread in front of him.

Yeonjun seemed to have sensed my presence because as I reached the kitchen area, his head snapped around, glaring at me.

"You woke up"

I nodded my head, taking a seat across from him. "Is this for me?" I said, pointing at the food.

"Yeah," he said, handing me a spoon.

The last I had was yesterday's lunch and to say I was hungry would be an understatement. I am starving. Famished actually.


I was halfway through my bowl of seaweed soup when Yeonjun spoke up, catching my attention.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked, his eyes glued to my face.

"Not really," I said truthfully. "Did I do something weird?"

The way he was staring at me was making me uncomfortable. Besties I hope I didn't do anything embarrassing to him.

"You blacked out. All of you."

He sighed. "Soobin you are an adult. You and Beomgyu both. Yet you allowed two minors to drink. Do you have any idea how dangerous the whole situation was?" He said, his voice becoming angrier with each passing second.

"If Changbin didn't see you guys, God knows what could have happened." He yelled. "And Soobin aren't you the smart one? You know about your alcohol tolerance still, you decided to go over your limit. Soobin you could have died of alcohol poisoning or worse..." His voice became quiet. "....someone could've done something to you."

I sat there, my soup bowl sitting half full. I studied Yeonjun's face and saw anger, sadness, and worry written all across it.

"Please," he extended his arms and held my hands, "don't drink when I'm not around."

I nodded slowly. "Okay. I promise."

He smiled at me and squeezed my hands. "Thank you."

Yeonjun then asked me to finish my breakfast and get ready while he fed his brother and the guests some hangover food. Taehyun was a little sick so Beomgyu decided to skip classes and take care of him.

"Let's go"

I followed Yeonjun out to his car. He didn't have any morning classes but for some reason, he wanted to drive me to college.

The drive was silent but not uncomfortable. I liked sitting in silence like this, Yeonjun driving smoothly.

My headache was almost gone after eating healthy food and taking medicine. I'm glad it's gone because the worst pain your body can experience is a headache.

"I'll come to pick you up," Yeonjun said, stopping his car in front of the gates. "Wait for me."

I smiled, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Okay"

I waved at him as he drove off, and walked in, ready to attend some lectures.


Thanks for reading!!!
Do let me know how you like it

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