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During the 20th century, the radio became very popular. If you owned one of those metallic devices, you could listen to music almost everywhere and anywhere, that too for free. Little by little, companies started broadcasting news as well, resulting in a hike for the demand of radios. And what happens when something becomes world-famous overnight? It's prices go up. Same thing happened to radio. Wireless, compact, lightweight, radios turned into something more user-friendly. And what happened to the stations that were featured? They became exclusive. Short, repeatative, mainstream, and boring.

Something called advertisements were introduced for the first time in 1922, changing the entire concept of radios. The user had access to around five songs before the annoying commercial would blast in your ears, shattering your vibes. Even the news stations would talk about paid promotions of products nobody ever used. If you asked me, advertisements were the reason why the usage of radios declined.

People started buying Walkmans where you had to insert your favourite Cassette and voila! No ad breaks, just you and your music. But these failed as well. Why? Because people need variety. They cannot possibly carry around 10 different Cassettes can they? And that's when mp3 players and ipods took over the lives of people and with the advent of internet, everyone forgot about radios that were once the talk of the town.

For our generation, radios are like the free version of Spotify. Two songs followed by an hour of ads. And ipods are the premium version. No disturbance, just your vibe. Broke people cannot afford it and I'm one of them. I really hate Spotify sometimes. Why can't this app let me chill in peace?

This was the seventh time I was interrupted by some stupid man's voice asking me to pay $20 dollars for a month of Spotify premium to block the ads via an ad. The irony.

Friday night. Today officially marks two weeks since I landed in California and it was safe to say, I was already missing my home. Don't get me wrong. I like my college. My friends. But what I miss is my room. My study table. My old CD player that I got for my eighth birthday. My bookshelf. I want my own space. I just cannot study here with Beomgyu and a virtual Taehyun who never seems to go away. How annoying.

"I have a big announcement to make. Anything goes is partnering-"

I almost smashed my phone on the wall. One more Emma Chamberlain ad and I'm going to jump off the terrace. No kidding.

Now before you say, "oh Soobin, it's just an ad, chill" I want to tell you that Spotify ads aren't just ads. You probably have premium that's why you don't understand how hard it is to get some work done with the broke version of Spotify.

It was around two in the morning when I decided to officially give up on my assignments. There is no point in trying to write an essay on America Civil War right now. I abandoned my laptop on the living room floor because thats the only place I can concentrate and made my way to the kitchen. Rummaging through the shelves, I realised one thing. I don't have any food.

No, the drawers are full of snacks and ingredients, but they don't belong to me. As I recall, the head of this household specifically asked me to buy my own groceries, which I didn't. I just ate whatever Beomgyu got from the store and now it's all gone. I guess stealing a pack of Ramen won't make a big difference seeing how big of a stash he keeps in his kitchen.

Heaven. That's exactly how this bowl of piping hot Ramen tastes like. Right amount of spicy, full of my favorite veggies, a fat piece of pork, and the sexiest looking egg as the garnish. Ah, my comfort food.

Sitting alone in the kitchen, the dim light from that old lamp illuminating the room, and food. I just cannot ask for anything else-

Ding dong

Damn, spoke too soon.

It's a good thing I had almost finished the entire bowl because the person who had rung the doorbell would not have liked me eating his food.


A very, very drunk Yeonjun stood outside, leaning on the doorframe.

"What are you doing here?"

That's such a stupid question to ask because this is literally his home but in my two weeks of staying here, I've never seen Yeonjun return from a party. Atleast not when he is drunk af.

"Soobin~" he cooed.

That guy could hardly even stand on his own two feet and that's why I had to carry him all the way to the living room where I kinda threw him on the sofa.

I filled him a cup of cold water and helped him sit.

"Drink this"

Like an obedient child, he finished the entire thing and looked at me. Gosh, why he is so cute.



He smiled and closed his eyes, dropping his head on my shoulder.

"Get up Yeonjun. You cannot sleep here"

I shook him a little but looks like he passed out.

I slid my hands under his arms and hoisted him up, letting him drop all of his weight on me. He isn't that heavy but his build, oh boy his build is fuvking insane. His body is really muscular.

I know I am only helping someone in need and that it's okay for me to enter their room but I couldn't help but feel as if I was invading his privacy. I mean, it's just a room. It's okay. Yeonjun would not scold me not for entering his room without his permission, right?

With one deep breath, I pushed opened the wooden door and entered a- what's this?

A plain room. No desk, no bookshelf, no computer. Just a bed and a dresser, and another smaller door which I'm assuming is his walk-in closet.

How is this man living? Is this a jail? It's so empty! Even the walls look miserable. They are crying for some cute posters.

Before I could spectate a bit more, Yeonjun squirmed in my hold. As gently as I could, I helped him lay down on the bed.

"Goodnight" I said to no one in particular and turned around, before a hand grabbed me from behind.

"Stop" he whispered in my ear, his hot breath raising the hair on my neck.

I looked back and saw Yeonjun staring at me, eyes open wide.

"Go to bed Yeonjun" I tried to get out of his steal grip but it was of no use.

"Soobin" He mumbled for the third time tonight.

"Yes Yeonjun?"

"Help me get changed" he said as if it was the most normal thing to say.

"No way," I shook my head. "I'll call Beomgyu"

Yeonjun whined. "I want you to do it"

Besties, what is this situation? Why is he behaving like a toddler?

Sighing, I gave into his demands. "Fine"

Thankfully, he wasn't wearing a lot of clothes. Just a shirt and jeans that very surprisingly slid out with almost no effort. I also helped him wear a fresh set of pajamas. Cannot let him sleep naked.

"Anything else?" I asked and received no answer. Obviously, he passed out again. Or so I thought.

Yeonjun snaked his arms around my torso and pulled me. "Sleep with me"

Okay, no, that ain't happening. I am not sleeping next to him, nope.

"Yeonjun let me go" I tried my best to get up but he won't let me. I promise I applied all of my strength. No kidding.

Yeonjun snuggled into me and instantly fell asleep, his soft snores ringing in my ears.

Looks like I'll have to spend the night here. I'm definitely not panicking, haha.


I was working on an assignment and Spotify kept interrupting me with ads!!! I just had to write a chapter about its premium subscription lol

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