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Yeonjun's pov

Alcohol is something people drown themselves in when they want to get away from reality, avoid problems, or when they are trying to forget something.

And Soobin was doing the same. He sat at the bar surrounded by his friends. Everyone around him was laughing and looked happy, except him. He had a glum expression on his face, his glass getting refilled over and over again.

His eyes looked dead, lifeless. His black orbs were fixed on the floor in front of him. He sat on the bar stool, zoned out. I wonder what he is thinking.

Half an hour ago after finally getting out of Yunjin's grasp, I tried searching for my friends but stumbled upon Soobim drinking his brains out.

I didn't approach him. I was too embarrassed. After he saw me making out with Yunjin, Soobin left, without reacting. Hopefully, he didn't get the wrong idea.

Soobin sat alone, chugging drink after drink. He was so out of it, that he didn't even notice when a girl came up to him and sat in front of him, smiling at him.

She leaned closer to him, whispering something in his ear, and giggled. She was waiting for Soobin to react but instead, he just swatted her hands off of him.

The girl must have felt defeated because of what she did next, I couldn't help but intervene.

Before the girl could throw herself at Soobin, I stepped in between them, shielding Soobin from her.

Raising an eyebrow at her, I pushed her a little. "Stay away from him."

She huffed and strutted away, swaying her hair extensions in all directions.

"Soobin you okay?" I turned to the boy who was still drinking alcohol.

He didn't reply, instead, ignored me and turned to the bartender, asking him for more.

"That's enough Soobin," I said, taking the glass from his hand. "You have had enough."

He didn't say anything. He kept staring at me, his eyes cold and blank.

"Beom" I found my brother in the group of guys dancing and laughing nearby. He turned to look at me, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. "I'm taking him home. If you don't have a ride back, find Changbin or Wooyoung and they'll drop you okay?"

Beomgyu showed me a thumbs up. "Is he sick?" He pointed at Soobin and nodded.

"Alright, I'll see you later." He waved at me, going back to dancing with Felix who looked just as drunk as Soobin.

"Come on Soobin" I slipped my hands under his arms and hoisted him up. For someone so tall, he sure is light. "Let's go back."

"I don't wanna" he mumbled, his words getting drowned by the loud music.

I draped an arm around his waist and held him tightly, helping Soobin walk out and to my car.

I helped Soobin sit in the shotgun and locked the seatbelt securely, ensuring that Soobin wouldn't wobble around while I'm driving.

The drive back home was short and awkward. Soobin sat next to me, his eyes fixed on my face. He won't look away. No matter how hard I tried to ignore his eyes on me, Soobin kinda made me nervous.

"We are here" I announced to no one in particular and opened my door, walking to the other side to help Soobin out who surprisingly didn't look drunk at all. Still, I held him by the arm and took him inside, locking the door behind us.

"I'll make you some soup, okay? You stay here." I left Soobin standing in the middle of my living room and started preparing the ingredients for the soup in the kitchen.

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now