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I hate it here.

Deep breathing Soobin. Inhale exhale inhale exhale.

Right, I'm fine now. Hopefully.

After saying hi to Yeonjun and his two friends, Beomgyu and I escaped to our room which was situated on the top floor, right beside the tiny bathroom. Yeonjun told us that the room right across from ours should never be opened. No, it's not his room. I mean technically it is, the entire house belongs to him but no, his room is beside the living room on the ground floor, but this one, this room behind the black door was literally marked out of bounds in silver ink. Totally not sketchy.

I was liking the place so far. A tiny lawn, a garage big enough to house a car along with a bike, separate kitchen and living spaces, balcony, and a clean staircase. Definitely liked the house but the problem came when I saw my room. Or should i say, our room.

Spacious, clean, sufficient storage, and nice lighting. Hundred points. Now can we talk about the furniture? There were two single beds in the centre. TWO BEDS which means, Beomgyu and I will be sharing this room. Now don't get me wrong okay? He is my best friend, I love spending time with him but sleeping together in the same room? Heck no! This mf facetimes his boyfriend every hour and on top of that, he snores! Negative Hundred points that equals to zero. Yeah, zore points.

And to make matters worse, there stood one tiny table beside the window. One table between two students. How is this fair?

Even after trying to utilize all the space, I cannot seem to make space for my Heroes of Olympus series. How will I survive if I don't display my books? I need to look at them every time I wake up and go to bed.

"Aww my cotton candy, do you really miss me that much?" A very disgusting giggle erupted in the silent room.

"Honey bun I love you and I miss you too!"

"No you are cuter, my scrumptious donut. You are the cutest bean."

Okay that's enough. All these pet names are giving me type-2 diabetes. I need to escape. Right now.

"Really? Tell me everything-"

Slam the door. Walk down the stairs. Couch spotted. Fall face down. Peace.

I wish I had enough money for a dorm. I don't think I can live for the coming three years like this. Beomgyu, why you gotta be so lovestruck?

Ugh, it's so annoying. But what can I do? I'll have to learn to sleep with a virtual Taehyun every night.

To cheer myself up, I got up and walked over to the kitchen, hoping to find some snacks for myself.
M&M's, Starburst, Peanuts, Hershey's, Pringles, and Snickers. I'm sorry but why is American food so unappetizing? Like, it's just a bar of sugar. Where is the flavor? And the names? Boring.

After going through a couple more shelves, I decided to try out these hot cheetos which were labeled as extremely spicy.

Nope. I got scammed. These aren't extremely spicy. These cheetos are bland. It's like eating salted puffs. Besties, anyone from America here? Are you guys maybe allergic to spices? What is this crap that you are eating?

"Rule no.1" a raspy voice spoke from behind me, startling the shit out of me.

"Buy your own groceries" I spun around and saw Yeonjun standing right behind me, his arms crossed.

"But because you are new," he inched forwards, "I'll let you off the hook."

Okay.....when did he come here? And why did I not hear his footsteps until- Holy Cow! Why is Yeonjun naked?

As soon as my eyes landed on his bare and wet torso, I covered my eyes and turned back, hoping the boy didn't see me checking him out.

"You ok?" Yeonjun asked me.

Of course not bish. You show up half naked in front of me and then expect me to be okay?


"If you say so" he walked over to me, grabbed a pack of nachos and opened it, and sat down at the table. Right in front of me.

We didn't say anything. I awkwardly stood there with the bag of cheetos that were too non-yummy for me.

"Are you really okay?" He spoke before stuffing a handful of fried chips in his mouth.

"I am, yeah" say something Soobin. Anything. "I just didn't like these...cheetos"

He looked at me for a second and laughed. Such a hot laugh damn.

"Me neither. Those are way too spicy for me"

"Spicy?" I pulled out a chair and sat across from him. "You call these spicy?"

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Yeah?"

"These are fvcking bland!" I exclaimed, catching him off guard. "It's just salt and red colour. How can you call  them spicy? Are Americans born with bland taste buds?"

Yeonjun started laughing. "Don't get mad at me okay? But I cannot possibly handle spicy food."

"Aren't you Korean?" I guessed.

"Ethnicity wise yes, but I was born in Los Angeles." He explained.

Right. Beomgyu told me once.

"This means you don't like Kimchi too?"

"I love kimchi but with rice." He smiled.

We ate our snacks in silence. I really liked his company. He doesn't talk much but Yeonjun is cool. And hot.

Ding ding ding

I craned my neck as subtly as possible and saw Yeonjun's phone buzz, which he picked up almost instantly.

"I gotta go" he got up and ran a hand through his blue locks. "I'll see you around."

"It's 10 pm" I checked the watch on the wall and raised my eyebrows at him.

"College parties start after 10pm kid" he smirked and walked out. "You will get used to this life" he shouted.

Wow. He must be popular. After throwing away the cheetos wrapper, I walked up to my room, thankfully seeing a sleeping Beomgyu.

I covered myself with the sheets. Silence. It was calm. I could hear the wind rustling, Beomgyu snoring very softly, and even the click of the front door could be clearly heard. Yeonjun started his car and drove away, the buzz of his engine still ringing in my ears. Can I be honest with you bestie? I think I'm developing a crush on someone. And I guess you already know who that someone is intense blushing


Hope u liked this ch!

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