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"Did he really do that!?" Felix gasped, covering his mouth with his hand, looking at Wooyoung with big, surprised eyes.

Wooyoung smirked and flicked his long hair. "Yes. If a man wants to, he would." He said, giggling.

After we had fun at the beach and were full to the brims of our stomachs, thanks to Changbin and Yunho, who prepared BBQ for all of us, we divided in groups to enjoy different activities. Everyone except me, Felix, Beomgyu, and Wooyoung went to play table tennis and some video games.

I wanted to play ping pong, but wooyoung dragged me to the balcony, saying that he needed me there. When I asked him why, he said, "Because Soobin, girl talk is more important and fun than playing some stupid ball game."

"I remember bringing cake to Taehyun before his math final when it was raining like crazy." Beomgyu said, sitting up straight. "It was a while ago. I was in junior high."

Wooyoung patted his back. "Good job!"

They were discussing all the sweet things their boyfriends have done for them and what they did for them in return. For example, when Wooyoung joked about San not actually being in love with him because of how he used to push him away, San brought him flowers and his favorite americano in the middle of a snowstorm. Or the time when San sat with Wooyoung throughout the night when he was finishing his thesis.

Honestly, I never knew my friend was this romantic. He won't pick up my phone after 8 pm but took Wooyoung out to watch the fireworks at midnight. Love be making you do all sorts of stuff.

"Wow," Felix mumbled, putting his arms around his legs and resting his head on Wooyoung's shoulder. "Must be nice to have a lover."

"It is," Wooyoung said, drapping a soft linen blanket around Felix, who had a pout on his lips.

"Have you ever wondered how straight Yunho and Mingi's relationship is?" Beomgyu said to no one in particular, popping chips in his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Wooyoung said, laughing. "How can they be straight?"

"Who's the bottom?" Beomgyu said with a straight face. "Who's the top? And why can't I figure it out? Is Mingi the babygurl or Yunho? Why do they both give me babygirl vibes but not at the same time?"

At this point, Wooyoung was laughing hysterically on the ground.

"Dude, I'm seriously curious." Beomgyu frowned, seeing how none of us were taking him seriously.

"I'm not sure about their sex positions," Wooyoung said, wiping a tear away, "but they love each other a lot. Mingi legit wants to buy Yunho an island as their wedding gift."

We talked through the night, poking fun at each other here and there. I was having fun. A lot of fun, actually. It feels so good to have friends who genuinely love you and make you feel good. I'm glad I found my people.

I was deep in my thoughts, smiling softly to myself, when I realised everyone was silent and staring at something. Apparently, that something happened to be my face.

"W-what?" I said, running a hand through my hair, hoping it didn't look funny.

"You were blushing." Felix chuckled.

"Thinking about your man?" Beomgyu laughed, high fiving Wooyoung.

"Of course not!" I said, glaring at Beomgyu.

"So you agree he is your man?" Felix wriggled his eyebrows, and the three boys laughed loudly.

"No!" I seriously wanted to punch Felix in the face. Now, because of what he said, my face was burning red.

"But babe, it's obvious that you like him." Wooyoung said, giving me a soft understanding smile. "Why do you keep denying it?"

I didn't say anything. What can I say when he has figured it out already? And it's not just wooyoung. At this point, everyone knows. Except for Yeonjun.

"You think he isn't like you, that's why you are keeping it a secret, aren't you?" He asked me, his voice serious and comforting.

I nodded, feeling a lump in my throat. Gosh, why can't I express myself without choking?

"My brother does look straight, not gonna lie." Beomgyu said, licking his fingers. "I hope he isn't, but.."

"Yeah," Felix said, nodding at me with a sad smile.

"He definitely isn't straight." Wooyoung chuckled. "Maybe bi, but he definitely has the hots for soobin."

Hearing him say this made me blush even a deeper shade of red.

When he saw me smile, Wooyoung patted my head like a mom and cupped my cheeks. "You are different, Soobin. In my ten years of friendship with him, I have never seen him look at someone so fondly. His eyes have never been full of love when staring at someone. And he is always smiling around you, something no girl could make it happen."

I hiccupped, feeling the tight feeling in my throat return. Images of Yeonjun filled my mind. Every time our eyes met, the sparkle and his subtle smile. What I thought was my imagination, was it actually true?

"You know what I suggest?" Wooyoung said, getting up from the floor. "Just ask him."

"Ask him?"

He nodded. "Yeah. What he thinks of you. And if he hesitates before answering, just say, 'Oh, I'm asking as a friend.' It's simple."

Maybe I can do this? But whose gonna tell Wooyoung that I lack guts?

"I'll give you an opportunity tonight." He said and winked. "I promise."

Midnight came in the blink of an eye, and when it was time to share rooms, Wooyoung made sure he kept his promise. Because Yeonjun was magically chosen as my roommate, making it easier for me to drop the question.

"What do you think of me?"


Dropping another chapter today! Make sure to check it out!!

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