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Roberto Nevelis. Many people know him as the creator of homework, something that wrecked the lives of students and continues to do so. But do you know that he isn't the man behind our sufferings? Back in the 1800s, a German philosopher named Johann Gottlieb Fichte created a compulsory school system where the kid would attend 6-7 hours of school every day and then spend another 2-3 hours on something called homework. Students were given homework as a way to demonstrate the state’s power even during personal time. Homework, therefore, is the result of nationalism and getting students to understand that their me time at their homes falls on government time if they want to get their education. Very messed up if you ask me.

And while homework can still be helpful in students’ education, it’s only helpful to a certain extent. When plenty of teachers pile on homework, they’re depriving students of time to focus on their extra-curricular activities and personal life. I agree with this statement. I come back every day from college exhausted, but if I want my degree, then I need to finish this pile of assignments and submit them on time, or else I'm screwed.

On top of three stacks of English and history assignments, I have to deal with back pain. Because Yeonjun doesn't have a study table in his room! I have to legit sprawl on the floor and then write. It's annoying if you ask me. Very annoying.

Now that I think about it, I don't think I have ever seen Yeonjun do his homework or even study for tests. How is he passing his classes? I don't care. Why would I care?

Coming back to my English essay, my professor thought that Shakespeare would be a great choice. This isn't the drama club! There are so many authors and poets who were better than Shakespeare but no, our teacher thinks otherwise. And I am supposed to write an essay on one of my least favorite plays of all times: Romeo and Juliet. Not cool if you ask me.

Romeo and Juliet in my opinion is a stupid love story. And no, I don't think Shakespeare is boring in any way. I like some of his works but this one ain't the one because this story makes no sense at all!

Juliet is a minor and she decides to marry someone, who I'm positive is around 20 years old, within 24 hours of meeting? And then people died because of them? The story went from 0 to 10 to 1000 real quick. And it's so unrealistic like hello, can you think for one-second miss Juliet?

Talking about love stories, I wonder what San is doing. Shall I text him? I guess I should. Let's be a good friend.
I scooted closer to the bed and rested my back against the wooden frame, picking up my phone and opening our chat.

The last text he sent me was a sky pic with the caption, "Zeus clogged his toilet" and he was right. The clouds looked constipated.

My fingers danced on the phone screen before I typed out a message.

You are gay

No, no Soobin backspace. I cannot be this straightforward with him. Or shall I say gay forwards? (Apologies for the lame joke)

Did you figure out your feelings for Woo-

No no, I can't send this either. What's wrong with me why do I not know how to communicate? God, this is annoying.

"You good?"

My phone slipped out of my fingers and fell on my lap, thankfully, leaving me startled.

Yeonjun was chilling on his bed, staring at me with his full attention.

"When did you come inside?" I asked, picking up my phone and putting it aside.

"Since your thumbs started doing that little tap dance" he smiled. "Who are you texting so seriously?"

"San" I responded, earning a nod from him.

"Yeonjun" I sat cross-legged facing Yeonjun, "Can I ask you a question?"


I took a deep breath. Okay Soobin, let's be as subtle as we can be.

"There is a boy. His name is A." I said. "A likes girls but recently something happened that's making him doubt his sexuality."

Yeonjun listened intently.

"B is another guy, who likes A. No, scratch that. In my opinion, he loves A."

Yeonjun chuckled.

"B is always teasing A. But recently B isn't paying too much attention to A and that's why A is sad. Now A is confused because he thought he didn't like B but now he misses him. And A also doesn't like when B is with other people. A needs your help."

Yeonjun looked at me, "A needs my opinion?"

I nodded.

"Well," Yeonjun tilted his head to one side and started speaking. "A is jealous."

My lips formed an o shape. So Taehyun was indeed right.

"A is used to constantly seeking his attention, in whatever form it is, and now that it's gone, A is missing it. He is in stage one:denial."

Yeonjun explained. "B is probably tired of being ignored and maybe he thinks that it's time to move on so he has started ignoring A. If A wants B, then A needs to grow balls because what if it's too late?"

This man was making sense. How is he so intelligent?

"And Soobin," Yeonjun spoke very softly, "it's okay for A to be gay. There's nothing wrong with it."

I didn't say anything. Just hummed.

"It's okay to like the same gender," I noticed that Yeonjun was sitting right at the edge of the bed, 2 feet between us. When did he crawl from his corner all the way here?

"Guys can love guys" he spoke, his voice soft. Really soft. "Love is love"

I must have zoned out because I realized that he was talking to me when he snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"I-I like girls!" I exclaimed, not understanding what I had just said.

Yeonjun studied my face. He didn't say anything and scooted away. Away from me.

He scratched the back of his head. "Me too" he mumbled. "I like girls too."

With that, he got up and left his room. I watched his figure disappear.

I like girls too

His words kept ringing in my ears. What else do I expect from the popular boy?


I think I never mentioned their majors so here they are:

1. Soobin- History+english+creative writing
2. San- History+english+philosophy
3. Yeonjun- Maths+astrophysics+english
4. Wooyoung- History+economics+civics
5. Changbin- Maths+chemistry+electrical engineering
6. Beomgyu- biology major(all med subjects)
7. Felix- Maths+chemistry+Korean
8. Yunho- History+creative writing+social science
9. Mingi- economics+business studies+civics
10. Taehyun- high school student so all main subjects

Enjoy the double update!!!

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