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The kind of love stories I read never have a happy ending.

Take Hero and Leander's story, for example.

Hero was a priestess of Aphrodite. That meant she was forbidden to have affairs with men. She lived in a temple on the Greek side of the narrow Hellespont straights.

Leander was a young man living on the other side of Hellespont.

When he saw Hero, he fell madly in love with her. Because who wouldn't? Aphrodite's priestesses are hella gorgeous.

With his soft-spoken words, he soon inspired the same love in Hero. Typical pretty men.

Each night, she would light a lamp, which guided Leander to swim across the Hellespont and spend time with her.

One night, however, the wind was too strong and blew out the lamp while Leander was still swimming across. The waves were too high due to the wind, and Leander lost his way and drowned. This is honestly very dramatic, but let's not question anything. It's Greek Mythology afterall.

In her grief and desperation, Hero threw herself in the raging sea and drowned as well. Somehow, their bodies were found on the beach, in a tight embrace, and that's how they were buried.

They get to live together in the afterlife, how cute. But why is it the afterlife always? Why not the present?

It baffles me how the only successful love stories are Zeus and Poseidon impregnating women.

While I was flipping through the pages of my book, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me backward.

"Dude, chill," I snickered. "We are in the library."

Yeonjun tightened his grip and kissed my neck softly. "Like I care."

I continued picking out books for my project with Yeonjun stuck to me like glue. This boy is so needy.

"I genuinely thought you were using me for sex." I blurted out. You can't blame me. My book cover is a naked Zeus.

"What?" He asked, dropping his hands and spinning me around so that I was facing him. "What did you just say?"

I tried to remain calm, but the close proximity was killing me. Why did I have to say such things?

"I mean, I was told that you weren't getting any chicks, so I thought maybe you were using m-"

He smashed his lips on mine, his body colliding with mine, hitting the wooden shelf.

"I don't need any chicks," he smirked. "You were always special to me."

Ah, his words just did something to my heart.

"I already have my wife." He said, going back to biting my lips.

"Wife?!" I let out, shocked, pushing him away. "Dafuq you mean?"

He leaned forwards and pecked my lips. "You, of course. You are my wife."


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