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Can somebody please explain what I am doing right now, sitting beside two girls who are busy sucking each other's faces? Thankfully, the suction sounds got muted because of the loud music otherwise I would've to leave the only spot I found after an hour to sit my tired ass down.

That's the thing about parties. If you have friends, you have a full blast but if you don't, aka if you are a loner like me, you end up irritated and tired and soon after start wanting to leave. But in my case, I cannot leave because I came here with someone else and on top of that, I suck at directions.

Now you must be wondering, if I hate parties so much, then what am I doing here, watching strangers grinding on each other and drown themselves in alcohol? Well, I was forced. By four people.

Today Yunho's grandmother left for a three week trip to Hawaii with her girl besties(we stan a cool granny) which means he had the place all to himself and had to throw a party. Second, Mingi, my other dad who adopted me, said that I should socialize a bit and that it would be fun. Sorry Mingi, it's not. Third, San dragged me with him who was also forced by Yungi. And lastly, Beomgyu. Mr. Choi Beomgyu who begged me to accompany him because he is too scared to get wasted alone. As a good friend, I said yes. But turns out, Beomgyu never needed me. That man ditched me to go play beer pong with his Australian friend. Apparently, he knows this guy longer than me and that definitely did not make me jealous.


Oh God not now. I cannot tolerate this shit.

"Heyyy" the boy sat down on my lap without my permission and hugged me tightly. "Come on, let's dance"

Someone. Send. Help.

You guys remember the three boys I met a couple chapters ago? A blonde, black haired, and blue Yeonjun. Well the black haired boy who introduced himself as Jung Wooyoung, has been flirting with me for the entire night. Correction: drunk flirting.

When this guy was sober, he was all over my friend San who, judging by his face, felt disgusted to his core. But after Wooyoung downed an entire bottle of vodka, he thinks that I am San. Hence, he is being clingy with me. And I hate it.

"Can you please get up" I tried my best to gently push him away but this boy who was half my size, felt heavier than a sack of rice.

"Noooo" he whined. "Why do you always push me away?" He pouted and rested his head on my shoulder.

"Wooyoung," I shook him. "You are mistaken. I'm Soobin"

He looked at me and started laughing. "You think I cannot recognize my baby?"

Besties send help. Please.

Wooyoung's eyes started closing and his grip loosened around my waist, but not loose enough for me to detach myself from him.

I struggled for a good ten minutes before someone finally came to rescue me. Yeonjun followed by San who was glaring at me for some reason?

"Let's go home Wooyoung" Yeonjun yanked his friend with one hand and pulled Wooyoung from my lap, allowing me to breathe.

He gave me a look before turning back to his drunk friend. "I'll take you home"

My eyes followed Yeonjun who helped his passed out friend to walk out, probably towards his car.

"So" my attention was caught by a certain boy who I almost forgot was also standing there.

"San, hey" I stood up and dusted myself. "Are you also leaving?"

He shrugged. "Did he say something to you?"

For a moment I didn't get what he was talking about but suddenly the light bulb went on in my mind.

"Wooyoung you mean?"

He nodded.

"That man was drunk as hell" I chuckled. "Called me his baby and wouldn't- Hey!"

Before I could finish, San turned around and left. Very weird if you ask me.

I was trying to analyze San's behavior but a very panicked Yeonjun came over to me. His face was flushed, eyes frantically trying to search for something. Or someone.

"Where is Beomgyu?" He asked me.

"He said he was going to play beer pong-"

My sentence was once again cut but this time instead of just walking away from me, Yeonjun grabbed my hand and dragged me to the living room where the actual party was taking place.

"Help me find him" he said urgently.

"Okay" I replied. "But what happened?"

"They bringing out Molly" we walked straight to the big group of students who were busy playing various drinking games. (Molly=drug)

"And Beomgyu is dumb" we searched everywhere the hall, trying to spot the brunette.

"Exactly the reason why I need him beside me"

It didn't take us long. Beomgyu and his friend were playing spin the bottle and he was about to strip his clothes but Yeonjun was quick to scoop him up and walk away from the drunk adults, his friend following us closely.

The four of us stopped only when we reached Yeonjun's Hyundai inside which Wooyoung was already asleep in the back seat.

I helped him buckle up both Wooyoung and Beomgyu inside the car. Drunk bodies are heavy, I'm telling you.

"Felix" he called out to the boy who was watching us with blank eyes, obviously under the influence.

"You got a ride?"

He shook his head. "I walked"

Yeonjun cursed. It was almost midnight and leaving a young guy alone to walk the streets wasn't a good idea.

He fished out his phone and dialed a number. "Hey Changbin" he spoke. "Come outside"

Two minutes later, a very buff boy dressed in all black jogged over to where we were standing. He is Yeonjun's blonde friend.

"Do me a favor and drop him home" he pointed at the guy whose name was Felix.

Changbin rolled his eyes but compiled. He walked away to another car parkwd beside Yeonjun's with Felix trailing behind him.

"Get in." Yeonjun said sternly and sat on the driver's seat.

Looks like I'll be occupying the shotgun.


Sorry for the late update. I was feeling lazy ;)

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