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Have you ever accidently slept with your sister but it wasn't really an accident?
Let me change the question. Have you ever wanted to be your aunt's daughter's dad?

No right? Me too.

But I know someone who isn't really interested is having tiki taka with women who aren't his family members.

Zeus. The God of the Skies.

I had to do this assignment on him for my internals and the only thing that comes in my mind whenever this particular Greek God is mentioned is, his sexual preferences. That's it.

To start off, he married his sisters Demeter and Hera. You must have heard about Demeter because she is Persephone's mom, who is Hades' wife. And Hera, well Zeus' only sister who actually married him and is always mentioned with him.

Not just sisters, he fvcked his aunt Mnemosyne, his cousin Leto, another of his cousins’ daughter Dione, and yet another of his cousins’ daughter Maia. Weird isn't it?

He slept with a goddess named Metis, and Zeus ended up swallowing her body. Kinky if you ask me. But what's interesting is how a baby girl was bron shortly after who was given the name Athena, our goddess of wisdom. And guess where she came from? From the stomach of none other than Zeus himself. So if next time someone says men can't get pregnant, tell them this story.

I think that's enough information on Zeus for one chapter haha. I don't want any of you to start seeing Zeus as nothing but a playboy. (which he was, bo doubt in that)

Today is a good day. Sunshine filled the field where my friends and I were spending some time together. After we were all done with college, San, Yunho, Mingi, and I decided to head over to the basketball court where we were shortly joined by Beomgyu and Felix. We all seem to be bonding as a group and that makes me very happy.

San and I sat down with all of our backpacks under a tree, him reading a book and I was watching the game.

I'm not good when it comes to playing games. Infact, I have no clue how sports work. I just cheer when the ball enters the hoop.

Felix ran up to us and dropped his sweaty body beside me, instantly picking up his water bottle.

"I'm dying" he whined.

I chuckled at him and handed him a towel. He is cute and very sweet. And we happen to be the same age, hence making it easier for us to become friends.

"Uh-oh" Felix mumbled and pointed at the court, San and I turning our heads to look in that direction.

Three boys, dressed in all black outfits strutted right at the middle of the basketball court and stood in front of Beomgyu, Yunho, and Mingi.

There was tension and I could feel it from twenty feet away.

Beomgyu ran a hand through his hair and walked towards Yeonjun. "You disrupted our game"

Yeonjun scoffed. "You call this a game?"

He stepped forwards and in a flash, stole the ball from his brother's hands. "You guys play like old people fuck"

Oooh. Someone took inspiration from that fan of Gorden Ramsey I see.

I saw Beomgyu roll his eyes. "Leave us alone Yeonjun"

"How about" Changbin spoke up, "a game? You vs us?"

"No you need to stop bothering us and lea-"

"Accepted" Yunho cut Beomgyu mid sentence. "3 on 3?"

Yeonjun, Changbin, and Wooyoung formed a triangle on their half of the court and my friends stood like colinear points. A line.

"You are gonna lose" Wooyoung chuckled. "You are no match against our dwaekkie"

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now