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You know that feeling when you are surrounded by loads of people but still feel alone? You have friends but they are busy amongst themselves and unintentionally leave you out. It's not their fault, not at all. It's you who prefers to not include yourself in the conversation or the activity they are doing. As if you are there but nobody is noticing you?

Dancing in groups isn't my thing. I know, I'm boring, it's fine you can say that to my face. You be like, Soobin it's homecoming have some fun. I know I know. But I honestly don't know how to.

I promised myself that I won't touch a drop of alcohol tonight because of my wonderful past record. Also, we are an odd number of people. Wooyoung and San, Yunho and Mingi, the couples, and Beomgyu and Felix.

Now, I'm not jealous. Nope. I'm just a bit sad. Beomgyu never left my side during these events. He always stuck with me till now, and I am thankful to him. And I surely don't blame him for ditching me to have some fun. I know I'm not very interesting and fun to be around when it comes to parties.

Watching my friends have fun made me smile. Yungi is your typical crazy-in-love couple. And Woosan, well I'm not sure whether they are a couple or not, but whatever they have going on is so pure. I genuinely want what they have.

Suddenly the feeling of being watched returned. For some reason, I keep feeling as if someone is watching me. And whenever I turn around to look behind me, no one is there. Creepy if you ask me.

The music was starting to hurt my ears now. I don't understand why people like their music to be so loud that it fricking reverberates the inside of your pancreas. Like chill dude, we don't wanna be deaf before 30.

"Soobin" I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around, my eyes landed on the most insanely beautiful human I'd ever seen.

Don't you just love it when you miss someone and they suddenly text or call you out of the blue? And it's even better if they show up in person, isn't it?

I wasn't missing him or anything haha why would I miss him just saying, but it's almost as if the universe was kind enough to grant your wish because that person suddenly appearing in front of you sounds unreal.

"Hi," he said, smiling at me.

Yup. Totally didn't miss that smile and that deep husky voice.

"Hey" I smiled back, examining his outfit. "You changed your hair."

I must admit, Yeonjun looks hot in his black suit and matching black hair.

"You like it?" He asked, sliding his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah" I replied, not sure if I should compliment him and sound like a creep or just nod and come off uninterested.

Yeonjun pursed his lips. "Why are you sitting here alone?"

"Dancing isn't my thing," I told him honestly.

"Does that mean you aren't having fun?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not really, no"

Yeonjun hummed. "How's the food?"

"Not my type." I hate the food here. It's just so bland and why is the menu so European? Mashed potatoes? Roasted fish? What is this, England?

Yeonjun looked at me for a solid minute before opening his mouth. "We are getting out of here."

"What-how?" I asked, not sure if I heard him correctly.

"You are coming with me." He said, grabbing my hand.

"Let me tell Beomg-"

"You don't always have to notify him." He glared at me. "Just saying."

MY BEST FRIEND'S BROTHER [yeonbin fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now