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"Don't leave baby"

"I have to"

"I won't let you go"

"Beom you have to"

"Please stop"

"I love you so much Tae"

"I know and I love you too"

"Please stop"

"You are the love of my life"

"I know Beomie"

"I'll miss you darling"

"I'll miss you too"

"Please stop"

"You are too cute my baby"

"Please stop"

"Let me squish your cheeks for the last time sweet pie"

"Please stop"

"Tae don't go~"

"I love you"

"I love you so much Tae. Here lemme give you a hug"


Everyone turned to look at Kai who was fuming. My guy had been trying to ignore the couple standing beside him for the last hour or so and now, he finally lost his patience. "You guys are gross" he said, taking his bag from Yeonjun and slinging it across his shoulder.

"Let's go Taehyun"

Beomgyu pulled his boyfriend to his chest, hugging him tightly. "Nooo don't take him."

Taehyun caressed his boyfriend's cheek and pecked his lips. "I have to go"

He loosened his grip from around him, letting Taehyun slip out from his arms. "I love you"

Taehyun smiled sadly, planting a soft kiss on his lips. "I love you too."

The two boys waved at us, smiling for the last time before they borded the plane. Once Taehyun and Kai disappeared, Beomgyu burst into tears.

"T-tae" he hiccupped. "My b-baby."

Yeonjun stroked his hair, side hugging his younger brother. "You'll see him soon."

During the entire ride back, Beomgyu didn't talk to any of us. He sat at the back alone, looking out the window, silently crying.

This is another reason I don't want to fall in love. When your lover lives across the ocean, it's hard to see them frequently. Not being near your partner makes you sad, leaving you feeling lonely and crave their touch.

Beomgyu and Taehyun might come off as a cheesy and clingy couple, but I saw how much they love each other. I've been seeing the proofs of their love for a year now and I must say I'm impressed. High school relationships never work out but they went against the odds. They proved that distance means nothing when that person means everything to you.

Beomgyu and I had this talk before we moved here to California. I asked him if he would break up with Taehyun or go on a break till he finishes college. You know what he said? He said that this distance between them, gave Beomgyu another reason to love his boyfriend harder than ever. He laughed and told me that his boyfriend is worth every mile.

I doubted them. I doubted their love but I was again proven wrong when Taehyun showed up at our doorstep, flying across continents with his saving, just to see his boyfriend.

I wondered, is it worth spending your entire saving to buy a ticket just to see your lover for a week and then leave? Yes, it's worth it. Beomgyu and Taehyun are an example of a successful long distance. For them, this distance cannot stop what's meant to be.

I tried cheering up Beomgyu at home, but the sad smile didn't leave my best friend's face. I feel bad for him. I know how much he loves Taehyun and him going back is affecting him.

Leaving him alone was the only thing I could do at this point. Shutting the door behind me, I walked out of our joint bedroom, straight to Yeonjun's.

Standing there alone in empty room made my stomach churn. That's it. I'm moving back. I won't be sharing the same space as Yeonjun anymore.

Picking up my pile of clothes, I put it neatly in my little basket. I didn't bring much stuff, just some clothes and study material. Packing my things didn't take more than fifteen minutes. I'm done, let's move back.

"Where are you going?"

Right as I stepped out of his bedroom, Yeonjun was standing at the door, ready to walk in. He eyed the basket and bag in my hands and raised his eyebrows.

"Back to my room?" I said, not sure why it came out as a question rather than a sentence.

"Why- oh!"

We stood awkwardly, staring at each other for a minute.

"Taehyun is not here anymore so," I started.

"Yeah, I get it." Yeonjun said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Let me help you." He took the basket from my hands and started walking towards the stairs.

"It's not heavy, I can carry it myself." I said, catching up with him.

"I insist."

I climbed the stairs after him, stopping once we reached Beomgyu's and I shared bedroom.

"Thanks" I mumbled, taking the basket back from him.

I was about to push the door open when Yeonjun held me back by grabbing my hand. "Soobin-ah" he said, staring into my eyes.

"If you feel uncomfortable, or when Beomgyu is being loud, you can sleep in my room anytime." He said, his grip tightening around my arm. "You don't have to knock or ask for permission, okay?"

I stood there, not knowing how to respond. For some reason, Yeonjun has been behaving very sweetly with me. But the next minute he is cold. I cannot understand this man at all.

"Oh-okay" I said, turning around and opening the door. I stepped in, not looking at the man standing outside the now closed door.


"Are you sure this looks good?"

Beomgyu checked his reflection in the mirror, adjusting his belt.

"You look hot" I assured him.

Beomgyu sighed. "I really don't want to go Soob."

"You are coming with me." I said, fixing his hair. "Besides, me attending parties without my bestie, not happening."

Beomgyu chuckled at my words. "Alright alright."

Tonight we have this end of semester party at a very famous club slash bar. I wanted to skip but Beomgyu has been sulking all day long and what's the best way to cheer him up? By dressing up and going out!

"Yunho just texted" I said, fishing my phone out of my pocket. "He picked up Felix and is on his way to our place."

"I thought we were going with Yeonjun." Beomgyu said, brushing his hair.

"He already left." I said and applied the slightest amount of lip tint on my lips. "I saw him."

Honestly, I hoped Yeonjun would take us with him but he never asked. It's a good thing I saw him drive away with one of his friends and texted Yunho for help on time. Otherwise we would've been left home with no ride to the venue.

"I'm ready" I said, after dabbing a little bit of blush on my cheeks. "How do I look?"

"Not bad not bad" Beomgyu said slipping on his jacket. "You look charming."

I laughed. "Come on, let's go."

Tonight, I'm going to have lots of fun.


Party chapter next :)

I didn't propf-read so plz feel free to point out any mistake you see!!

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