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"Hey everyone, welcome back to my channel!

For those of you that are new, my name is Angeles and this is my channel!

So if you are new to my channel, let's get something straight; I am not a beauty guru! Just because I'm a girl and I wear makeup and stuff, does not make me a beauty guru. I'm far from being that.

This is a challenge, sit down, collab, fun channel, not hauls and tutorials

-unless it's a joke of course-

or anything like that.


This is a party channel WOW!

And I hope you enjoy all the videos I make, and you can start by giving this one a big ole thumbs up if you do actually like what I'm about to get to in this video.

And if you don't like it... I don't know, thumbs down, sign off the internet, whatever.

BUT I do hope you actually like it and hope you come back to see more.

And you can do that super easily by subscribing to my channel, @LosAngel

So without further adieu, let's get this video STARTED!"

"Woah!" I cried and fell back onto my bed. "It's done! It's finally over!"

"Finished editing?" Mali asked from her seated position on the floor.

"YASS!" I hollered.

"Finally!" she agreed, sounding exasperated. "Now can we go get Yeh!?"

"Yeh!" I answered and launched up on my mattress and pounced off my bed.

On my way out I grabbed Jams, my rasta coloured penny board, off the floor and my round framed sunglasses off my desk.

"Hurry up!" I yelled to Mali, who was straggling.

She jogged down the hall and joined me at the front door, pastel pink penny in her hands. I shot her a grin, then we both burst through the door and ran up the driveway onto the concrete. I leaned over while jogging and placed Jams on the ground, then proceeded in placing my right foot on the deck above the front truck and kicked off with my left foot. It came back around and stationed on the back of the board and soon we were rolling down the street under the canopy of oak tree leaves.

Summer was finally upon us, school was out. But not for good. We still had one more year in high school before we were officially free. I had so many plans for after graduation, and most of them required my partner in crime; Mali.

Mali and I had met in grade seven, in Canada, our first real year of high school.

Like in any high school, you had your cliques; the popular kids, the jocks, plus cheer leaders, druggies, nerds, et cetera. There was also this complete separate and segregated clique, which the only good name for it was the squad. Mali and I were part of that squad.

It consisted mainly of kids who didn't fit into any of the other groups, or were all or some of the other groups combined and just didn't like hanging out with the actual labelled crew. We were all outcasts, and to be quite honest, we were all super weird.

Mali and I became best friends and did everything together. We joined a few sports teams together, like rugby and volleyball. Rugby ended up being the only consistent thing we ever did in school together.

But apart from that, our friendship included days at each others houses, late nights, parties, and of course, the big one, YouTube collabs.

"Angeles!" Mali's voice cried out.

I'd swerved out of the designated sidewalk and onto the main road. A car honked at me and sped around. I winced and waved apologetically.

"Distracted much!"she commented when I joined her on the sidewalk again.

"I was daydreaming," I confessed. "Dude, I'm so excited for the rest of this summer!"

"Same!" she squealed.

After a ten minute, and luckily safe trip through the busy streets and cars rushing through traffic lights to their destinations, Mali and I reached the infamous frozen yogurt hang out location, Yeh!

We served our usual's; for me, Pina Colada and Nutella yogurt with gummies, Reese's pieces and white chocolate sauce. For Mal's, cake batter with every topping in the parlor.

After paying for our usual cups we went and sat in our usual corner, next to the window on the bean bag chairs.

"Ugh!" Mal groaned as she flopped down and sunk into the pillow.

I giggled and picked a spoonful of Nutella with a watermelon gummy and a Reese's piece and ate it off the pink plastic spoon. I moaned appreciatively and closed my eyes.

"Definitely beats Toms'!" I joked.


OMG first fanfic on the new acc!!

So I just started watching KianAndJc and superkian13 and Jc Caylen and O2L and all that jazz like a few months ago and I'm soooooo addicted. It's unhealthy for me to get stuck in these fandoms and fall in love with these boyss because they give me HEART PROBLEMS WHY??!??!

But yeah, I'm pretty excited, I loved writing fanfics, so maybe I'll write a few, we'll just have to see:)

But now I kinda really wanna just post this one, so Hold Tight and TEAM are on hold.

I'll post on mondays and fridays, so chapter DOS will be in two days and i'M SUPER EXCITED I LOVE THE STORY LINE FOR THIS ONE AND I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!

Also, I'm literally just gonna post cute pictures of Kian in every chapter :D

Love ya'll xx

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