diecisiete - 17

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They burst into my room and I jumped up in surprise to see Kian and Jc run in. I was sitting at my desk editing a video.

"Um... hi guys," I said slowly and confused. Jc was holding a camera, so they were probably filming something for their next KNJ vid. I didn't remember being asked to be a part of it.

"Grab her!" Jc yelled, and Kian swooped in and hauled me out of my chair and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed.

"KIAN WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled. "What's going on?!"

"Shhh..." Jc hushed and a burlap bag was shoved over my head, blocking out my vision.

Kian started jogging somewhere, though I wasn't entirely sure where -hence the bag covering my face- but I could definitely tell at one point we were outside. I then feared being thrown in the pool!

I was rather roughly transferred from Kian's shoulder to a chair, there was some shuffling, movement and whispers to my right and some clicking in front of me. Next there was a creak to my left and some whispered laughter on both sides.

"Ready?" someone whispered.

The bag was ripped off my head, and the light from outside blinded me briefly, even though we were sitting in the shade.


Kian and... Jc here!
And if you didn't notice, we literally kidnapped Angeles from her room and brought her along!"

"So I have no clue what's going on, and this line was not scripted."

"Well, Jc and I planned this video, but we didn't tell Angel about it so her reactions would be super... rr... real..."

"My reactions to being kidnapped?"

"NO! That was just for fun!" Jc laughed.

"So if you didn't see by the title of this video, we basically just gon sit 'ere wit Angel and list off all the cute and quirky things she does 'round the house and see how she reacts to the things she does!" Kian said in a funny voice.

Angeles lifted her hands and covered her mouth with them, hiding a huge smile.

"Are you serious, that's your video idea?"

Kian and Jc both nodded smiling.

"You guys are so funny!"

"And we're gonna get started!
So I remember on the first morning after Angel spent her first night with us, the next morning she went out and bought bacon, came home and made all the bacon for me and Kian as a thank you gift for us letting her move in."

"She's done this on several different occasions actually, she made birthday pancakes one time and they were awesum dude!
And on random mornings she'll do it too, she'll just make a huge breakfast and leave it in the oven for us so it stays hot!"

"She's like a mother, and she's a frick-ing GOOD cook!"

Angeles was smiling ear to ear. Her cheeks were blushy and her eyes were squinted she was grinning so much.

"She never makes dinner for everyone though."

"That's cos we always order food for dinner!"

"OOH! I got one.
When she thinks no one is home, she just walks around..."

"Oh my god Kian no!"

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