treinta - 30

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Lazy Sunday's turned into lazy every days. For almost a full week, Kian and I had spent every day in bed cuddling or watching movies or other activities! Other than making videos, we had not much else to do. So often times, we'd only get fully clothed to film the video, only to strip down again after the task was completed.

"Dom just moved into his new place," Kian said. I was lying on my back, in my black lacy bra and matching underwear, watching snapchat stories on my phone. His arm was draped lazily over my shoulder as he lay shirtless and in joggers slung low on his hips beside me. "He's throwing a party tonight, and we're invited."

"So we're gonna do something with our lives tonight?" I kidded, shutting off my device and turning to cuddle his side. One of my legs tangled between his and my arm slid over his abdomen and hugged him into me.

He smiled. "Looks like it," he smirked, leaning forward and kissing my forehead.

"I'm actually excited, I just bought sexy new pants and I have a top to wear them with, and they're a little too fancy to wear while we're cuddling," I smiled.

Somewhere between reciting my tellings, I'd ended up strewn atop of him. His hands rested on my bum, lightly tapping his fingers. I grinned.

"Nothing's to fancy for cuddling," he winked. "Including nothing."

I blushed, and his hands took the crumpled sheets and pulled them over our bodies.


I was upstairs, in my bathroom getting my makeup on. Winged eyeliner and champagne coloured eyeshadow seemed subtle and party fitting. Dom said slightly formal, but more so casual. I hiked on my new black velvet high-waisted pants from American Apparel and a light grey knit cropped tank top. Rings and bracelets littered my hands, including bicep bracelets and of course the elephant pendant necklace I'd received from Kian nearly a year prior.

It still shocked me that in days I was going to be eighteen. Kian had just turned twenty a few weeks before. Where had the time gone?

I jumped slightly at the knock at my door.

"Ready babe?" a familiar but unexpected voice said. I frowned and pulled open my door. Jc stood grinning, wearing a white v-neck and black jeans.

"Wow fancy," he winked.

"Thank you Jc," I said smiling, returning to my mirror and brushing on a few more coats of mascara. "I'm not your babe!"

"And I'm pretty sure you have a t-shirt that says that!" he laughed.

"You are correct," I turned and winked.

He laughed again and more footsteps were heard behind him. I looked passed and saw Kian walking in, striped black and white long sleeve and black jeans. I loved that shirt.

"Hey babe," I said mockingly looking at Jc as I walked passed and kissed Kian's cheek.

"Hi," he said surprised.

"Shut up!" Jc called laughing.

"Everyone ready?" Kian asked. I nodded. Jc nodded. "Alright, let's get the hell over there then!" he shouted. Jc squeezed by and out the door. I was about the follow when Kian caught my hand and pulled me into him and held me in a heavy kiss. "You look stunning."

I smiled.

"But you're still not taller than me in those heels!"

I smacked his chest.


Dom threw a hell of a party. No matter what the location be. When we got there, the place was semi packed, the lights were off and replaced by bright red and purple ones. The ceiling had silvery white and black balloons scattered and floating, and heavy house music seemed to bounce off the walls with a heavy beat.

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