cinco - 5

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"And those are the reasons you should NEVER date a f-ckboy if you know he's a f-ckboy!

I hope you enjoyed the video, give it a big ole thumbs up if you did, subscribe, leave nice comments, all that jazz, blah!

But this video is actually not over yet.

So, last week, after I posted the flaming shots fail, I went and did some research on affordable apartment buildings in LA, and I found one.

I... I don't even know where to start with this, um...

I'm moving to LA in a month.

This is exactly the part of my life plan that I've been waiting for to happen.

As most of you may know, it has been my biggest dream to live in LA for almost, you won't actually know this, but like ten years, and it's finally happening.

This is all just too real to believe it's actually happening, like, it's crazy.

As soon as I got the thumbs up, and the place was officially mine, I called up my parents and I told them about it over the phone, and honestly they think it's a terrible idea, that YouTube isn't a substantial "job" and I can't do that for rest of my life.

All I have to say to that is...

Watch me.

You can do anything if you really want to and if you set your mind to it.

And honestly, life is about doing what you love, and you're wasting your time if you're not doing something you love.

Life is too short too waste thinking your goals and aspirations were something you couldn't make possible.

Let me tell you something honey; anything is possible.


So if right now, you are not doing something you love to do, that you are passionate about, stop what you're doing, forget it all and go chase your dreams and goals.

Make it your life.

For me, I love making videos for the world, I love making people laugh and it's what I want to do with my life.

And if my parents can't see that, then I have a hard time believing they want me to be happy.

And you know what else?

I didn't need school, a degree or diploma or anything like that to make it in the online world.

I consider myself making it, nine-hundred-thousand subscribers and climbing.

So little side note, I love you guys!

It doesn't matter if people don't think your goals or dreams are realistic, so long as you believe they are, and believe in yourself, you will soar through life.

Like an eagle.

I'm not at the top... yet, but I can tell you something;

The view is great from up here.

This entire YouTube thing is what I want my life to run off, so I'm gonna keep at it and really work for it.

I'm gonna follow my dreams and goals, move to LA and make it as a YouTuber.

I'm so excited to start my new life.

I promise, I won't change, my video criteria won't change.

I hope and pray that they'll only get better, that I'll get better, and grow as a person and meet new people and just really experience life.

That's been my goal since day one.

I'm moving in about a month, I can hardly wait.

And that's all I have to say I guess.

So I'll see you soon LA.

Stay beautiful everyone, and the next time you see me, I'll be somewhere new again.

Bye for now."

In comparison to Canadian summers, California was an oven! And it was majorly like this all year round, where as in Canada, we had our falls, winters, springs and summers that came with four totally different types of weather altogether. LA was just blistering, and to think that having a plus 30 or 40 degree day was hot back home in Montreal. I remember thinking about how crazy it was whenever I opened a Snapchat story and seeing it was like 70 outside, but then I remembered it was Fahrenheit and not Celsius. Oops!

Before moving, I managed to sell my old car for some extra pocket bucks. I made five-grand but lost a car. I was still trying to determine whether it was worth it.

I took a cab into the neighborhood, which was nice, but at this point, I didn't think there was a single place in Los Angeles that wasn't nice!

But what I really meant was the actual neighborhood. It didn't look like a ghetto or somewhere you'd be worried about getting mugged. The buildings were relatively new, the grass was green. What more could you ask for?

"Thank you," I said to the driver after handing him what I owed and retrieved my bags from the trunk.

The rest of my furniture, my dresser, desk, heavy stuff would be here in the morning. For now, my bed, a couple of bags of clothes and laptop would have to be enough to get me through the night.

The outside of the building was a tan orange stone concept, and the door was dark wood. I set a handful of bags on the ground and pulled the key out of my pocket, slipped it in the slot and turned the key. The lock clicked and the door fell open with a light push.

The floors were a pale sand colored wood and all the walls were white. It was a very open concept architectural establishment; across the entrance there was a wall made up of windows. To my left, the room opened up into a square before there was another wall with two doors. I hauled my bags inside and shut the door before proceeding to explore.

I opened the first door into a small square room with a white tiles floor and light blue walls. The bathroom.

The second door I opened was to a larger room with the same wood floors and white walls. My bedroom. I looked around and already had the perfect layout. Bed in the corner, dressing against the mirroring wall, desk in opposite corner where I immediately spotted an electrical wall outlet.

Around the corner of the bedroom and powder room was the kitchen slash dinning room. The whole back wall was slanted inward with big windows that you could pull open. There were white cabinet counters against two of the walls, already furnished with a fridge and an oven. This place was perfect. Maybe a little pricy, but honestly, it was the cheapest place I could find that wasn't a sketchy neighborhood.

It would take some time to get used to, but it was all part of the experience.

New house, new me...



And early update, I know, so you're welcome ;)

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