doce - 12

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Kian and Jc helped me get everything out of my old apartment by ten in the morning. We all cussed out my landlord in front of the neighborhood and left him in our dust. When we got to KNJ's -as they and everyone else called it- they practically moved me into the spare room they had. I barely lifted a box. I stood in the room with Yoda in my arms as they moved everything. They didn't let me touch a thing. Even if I offered, they declined and said "we got this". Definition of best friend.

"Wow," I said, once Jc brought in the last of maybe five boxes. I trashed a bunch of stuff and planned to sell the rest for some extra pocket money. "You guys would make great movers."

"We've really evolved since our last moving experience," Jc said and grinned.

"You mean the one where Kian dressed up as a sexy maid?" I smirked.

"Fuck..." Kian hissed under his breath. Jc and I laughed.

"Well, that looks like everything," Jc said smiling.

"Wait you guys," I said, turning and placing Yoda on my mattress and facing the boys again. "Seriously, thank you so much, I don't know what I would've done, I was really freaking out, and you just... wow, I can't thank you enough."

"Bring it in," Kian said, opening his arms and coming towards me. I smiled and threw my arms around his torso and he wrapped his arms around me. "Anything for a friend."

I'd never lived with other people before. Other than living with my family of course, but like, with roommates. Two dudes. Kian and Jc. Huh. Peculiar situation I've found myself in.


I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon.

"Who the fuck is making bacon?" I asked myself. Hazel slumped up beside me.

No one in this house cooks... or has bacon.

"What?" I asked and pulled the sheets off of myself and pulled on some sweat pants before heading upstairs.

At the top of the staircase I was met by a confused and drowsy looking Jc. We both wobbled into the kitchen sleepily, and to our surprise, Angeles was standing in front of the stove in an over-sized t-shirt, her long hair cascading down her back. I had a weird deja-vu moment, but there was no cooking involved.

"Angel?" Jc asked.

She half screamed half gasped and jumped around.

"Maudit connard!" she cried, hand over heart. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Do you only speak French when you're angry or scared?" I asked. Jc looked at me.

"That was French?" he asked. "What did you say?"

"Damn motherfucker... you scared the shit out of me!" she repeated, all in English.

"Wow, teach us!" Jc chimed.

"Another day child," she huffed with a smirk, turning back around to the hot plate.

"What's all this?" I asked, referring to the bacon and bacon only.

"Well, this is my thank you for letting me live with you guys," she turned and smiled quickly.

"Bacon?" Jc questioned.

"Is that not a good thank you gift?" she asked. From in front of her where we couldn't see, she picked up a plate with a mountain of fresh crispy bacon piled on it and placed it on the counter in front of us.

"Oh my god..." I whispered. "Yes, it is the best gift ever, Angeles, I love you!"

She smiled and Jc and I dove for it.


"What's up O2L, it's Jc."

"And Kian Lawley."

"And we're here with a follow up video from last weeks video, the different types of girls at parties video.

Well this week, we're doing different guys at parties, based off of past experiences at parties."

"Most of the guys at parties are like, assholes that try and get with girls."

"No need to flatter yourself Kian, save it for when we get to drunk a-holes who f-ck girls!"

"Shut up!"

"OW! Bo mes sheh meh!"

"Hold up shh! Angeles is calling me.

I'm putting it on speaker hold up.

Shhh! Hello?"

"Hey, it's Angel, but you knew that because well, caller ID!"

"Hi Angel, how are you?"

"I'm good, I'm good, how are you?"

"Great, just great."

"Hey, I have a question."


"Would you mind if I adopted a puppy, and also, do you think Jc would mind if I did?"

"Wow um, okay, one sec, lemme just... ask him!

Hey Jc!"


"Oh my god, are you guys filming a video?"

There was a long pause.

"No... course not..."

"Shit! Now you all know my possibly good news! I'm a dumb sometimes!"

"A dumb?"

"Shh, I say what I want! Anyway, puppy, yes, no?"

"If it's your dog and we're not looking after it all the time like Kian did when he dumped Hazel in my hands for me to look after then yeah, go for it!"

"Yay, when I come home I'll have a puppy, hope you're excited!"

"So excited!"

So Angeles came home with a puppy. A four month old German Shepherd puppy that she named Tag on the way home.

"I thought you said your next priority was a new car," Kian stated.

"I know I said that, but he was tied to a telephone pole outside," she said, stroking his head.

"Angeles, did you kidnap this dog?" Jc asked.

"No! Of course not, there was someone sitting on the steps who asked if I wanted him when I approached," she explained. "The mother had a litter and this one wasn't selling so I guess he figured promote by tying him outside. He's had his shots and everything, and the guy is a licensed breeder, he showed me a badge and gave me the forms and everything. And he wasn't expensive. I basically saved him."

"You have a thing for saving animals don't you?" Kian asked, smiling. Angeles grinned back and nodded.


Back to normal updates, Monday's and Friday's my friends!

Kian and Jc are best friend goals

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