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Grade eleven breezed by. Exams were a piece of cake, and pretty useless. Colleges only really cared about grade ten.

Mal and I did our graduation thing; went to prom together because no one else asked either of us. All in all, a good year. A successful year. My channel had made it to almost nine-hundred K, but not quite there yet.

Mal and I were doing our usual thing, eating frozen yogurt at Yeh!, only this time, I drove us, in my new-old car with my license I now had. Jams was used less and less, but not never. He was still my most stylish mode of transportation. Mali was showing me the outline of the apartment we were literally about to buy.

"It's an old building, but we seriously don't have to worry because when my sisters moved into their place, it looked like shit, but they redid the whole place and now it's gorgeous," she told me. "Trust me, we can make this place like, tumblr goals!"

I laughed.

"I'm sure, this is gonna be so awesome, taking our friendship to level like... ten!" I smiled.

"Ten?!" she exclaimed. "I thought we were at like, ten thousand!"

"True," I giggled.

In the coming month, Mal and I bought the place, signed all the papers, and I finished packing up my room with the moving truck waiting outside my house. The anticipation was killing me, and all I wanted was to just be at the new place and start redecorating. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pressed Mal's number. It rang up against my ear as I waited for her to answer.


"Mals, if I'm interrupting your packing, I'm sorry but oh my god, are you as pumped as I am?" I cheered. She was quiet on the other end of the line. "Mali?"

"Yeah hey, Angeles, I've got some news," she said, sounding guilty. I knew that voice too well.

"Bad news, good news, what?" I asked.

"I don't really know," she confessed. "I think good for me, kinda bad for you..."

My heart quickened, but I was anxious to know what this news was regardless.

"Okay, what's the news?" I asked.

"Listen, Angel, I'm so sorry, I've known this for a while, but it literally just became official today," she started. "I'm moving to Florida with my parents."

My stomach dropped.

"You-you're moving to Florida?" I asked. Her silence told me she was nodding her head on the other end of the line. "So we bought an apartment three weeks ago, but you've also known for a while that you're moving to Florida?"

"Angel I'm so sorry," she said. It sounded genuine, but it didn't cool my anger.

"Well, why don't you just stay in Montreal with me, because we just bought a new apartment," I suggested rather distastefully. She went quiet again. "Mali?"

"Well, Angel," she said and paused. "I-it's Florida..."

"Are you serious?" I gaped.

"Please understand," she pleaded.

"You know what, I'll move in," I cut her off. "Go, have fun in Florida, and I'll get your sisters, my new neighbor's to get me alcohol, okay? Okay, bye."

I hung up the phone and turned the sound off. I knew Mali would try to call me back again, but I honestly felt like I never wanted to talk to her again. I couldn't believe this. She completely fucked me over. We'd been planning this move since grade ten, and she just goes and throws me under the bus like that.

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