nueve - 9

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We parked somewhere in some street, grabbed our boards from the back and went rolling down the streets.

"I don't know many girls who know how to board, it's pretty cool that you do," I called out to her in front of me. She turned and smiled at me, though I only saw it on her lips, because her eyes were covered by some vintage sunglasses. "It's kind of a turn on!"

She breathed a loud laugh, making me smile.

I'd never really met anyone quite like Angeles. She was funny and sweet, and very outgoing. She didn't seem like the type who'd shy away easily. She seemed like she was up for anything.

"Kian!" she called. "Where the hell are we going?"

"Go straight!" I yelled. "Actually, wanna get some smoothies first?"


We turned and found a Jamba Juice. Angeles got a mango smoothie and I got my favorite strawberry and kale. And then we were back on our way towards the still unknown to Angeles destination.

I sped in front of her and led her towards where the city buildings were sparse and the sun beat directly down on us. We hit dirt road and jumped off our boards. I picked up Ghost and tossed the empty smoothie cup into some trash can beside the fence.

"We continue by foot," I told her.

"That sounded intense!" she laughed, sipping the last of her smoothie before shooting it for the trash. "But for real, we need to walk?" she added whining.

"Oh come on, it's like a fifteen minute hike," I told her.

"Yeah but I'm lazy!" she added, slouching.

"Yeah but nothing, we'll run it if you keep complaining," I said, passing her and heading for the fence.

"Are we even allowed in there?" she asked.

I hopped up on the fence and jumped over with facility.



The Hollywood sign is an iconic symbol of LA. Pedestrians are forbidden to climb the fence to touch the letters, we are meant to climb this insane hill only to be able to stand a couple hundred feet away. Lame.

"Kian," Angeles called out behind me. "I'm about that rebellious teen life, but how much trouble are we gonna get in if we get caught?"

"Don't get caught and you won't have to know," I replied. I heard her groan beside me.

We made it up the last stretch on hill before we stood before the tall metal letters.

"Angeles," I said and turned to face her. She looked up, through her sunglasses. "Welcome to Los Angeles!"

"Wow, thank you Kian!" she said smiling widely. But she closed her lips over her teeth quickly, I'm guessing to hide her braces. She had a beautiful smile, but I understood where she was coming from, having had braces myself. They really suck!

"So what now?" I asked her, crossing my arms. She snapped her head quickly in my direction.

"You're asking me this!" she exclaimed laughing.

"Well, I wanna know what you wanna do now!" I laughed. "I came up with the plan last time."

"Well, I have no clue, give me some suggestions, and I'll pick my favorite," she said.

"Okay Netflix," I said and grinned. She laughed.

"Okay..." she said promptly.

"Um, get food, go penny boarding, to the beach, back to my house," I named off.

"Oh, I kinda wanna go to the beach, I haven't been yet," she said.

"Okay Angeles, I know you've only been here a month but you have got to be kidding me! You haven't even been to the beach?"

"I didn't want to go alone, but now I have friends so..." she said. I cocked up an eyebrow at her. "Please..."

"Okay," I said.

"Yay!" she cheered and jumped up. "Oh, I need to go to my house and get my suit and towel and beach shit."

"Same," I said. "Let's drive back to your house first and then penny board to my house and we can take my car."

"What, are you embarrassed by my shitty old car?" she asked jokingly, and we started making our way back down the hill towards the fence.

"No, but my car actually has AC!" I said and winked. She swatted my arm and jogged down the dirt and stone path.

"I'm getting a new car soon," she informed. "You won't have to worry about being seen in a shitty car when you're driving with me then!"

At the bottom we sprinted to the fence and launched ourselves over. We'd left Ghost and Jams at the fence behind a garbage can. When we were over, we scooped them up and went running to the street, jumping on the decks and rolling quickly down the street to Angel's car.

Her apartment was on the upper west side, a really nice neighborhood. The buildings were expensive looking however. I didn't wanna ask Angeles how much her rent was, it seemed rude, so I let my curiosity bubble inside me.

"Here we are," she said pulling up in the driveway of one of the many tan stone buildings. "You wanna come in?"

"Sure," I said, pushing the car door open and following Angeles up the steps to the front door.

Angeles was amazingly beautiful. She had beautiful features; beautiful hair, long and dark, beautiful face, slim yet structured, I think she had the same jutting jawline as me, only hers was more feminine, if that's thing. Beautiful smile, despite the metal brackets glued on, and beautiful eyes. Suddenly they were locked in my gaze, and I was staring intently at them. Big and almond shaped framed with dark lashes, bright blue irises flicking side to side like flickering light. Oh such beautiful eyes.

"Uh, Kian?"

I blinked quickly and looked to see Angel standing inside her house, the door open. I nodded.

"You coming?"


filler, I had a math exam today and it kinda sucked :/

I really wanted to update, I felt bad, and also I have a day free because for the first time in like three weeks I don't need to study. Also I'm gonna be in Vermont this weekend so absolutely no update

Love you guys a lot, I really hope you like this story so far, a lot to come in the future :)

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