treinta y ocho - 38

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I'd been out all day running errands, all I wanted to do was go home and curl up with a cup of tea and fuzzy socks. By errands, I mean I got my paycheck and decided I "needed" new clothes, so it ended up being more of a shopping spree more than anything! But carrying my many bags and heavy purse around was the real task. I didn't go shopping often, but when I did... man!

I wasn't quite ready to leave, but I also couldn't feel my arms, so I made a quick pit stop at my car before continuing. It also seemed it had been a while since I heard from Kian, so I sent him a quick text. I stood by my car waiting for a reply, but nothing. Weird.

"Excuse me."

My head snapped upwards to two girls, maybe sixteen, standing in front of me. They both gasped when I looked up.

"Oh my god, it is her!"

I grinned and darted my eyes to each girl. "Hi," I squeaked.

"Oh you are so cute!"

"Why thank you!"

"Can we take some selfies and pictures with you?"

"Well, I'm not exactly looking very meet and greet appropriate right now," I said, referring to outfit; an over-sized blue button-up and a huge light cream turtle neck over it, leggings and white converse. My hair was messy in a half up bun while the rest of it hung over my shoulders and down my back.

"Are you kidding, you always look absolutely gorgeous!"

"Thank you sweets, you're too sweet!" I beamed. "What are your names?"

"I'm Olive," the tall brunette girl said.

"And I'm Karla," the blonde said. "And my twitter is kiangeles!"

"Oh! Mines hashtagjc!"

"I'm gonna write those down so I don't forget and I'll follow you when I get home," I said.

They were actually more fun to chat with than a lot of the people I'd known for the year I'd lived in LA! They were funny and kind, and honestly I wanted to take them out and get coffee! But soon we all agreed we needed to head our separate ways. They needed to head home and I needed food. I also needed to go to like three more stores. I needed to run!

"I still can't believe we ran into Angeles Singer on the street!" Olive exclaimed.

"You are seriously the most sincere person!" Karla said smiling. "I've heard so many people say things like 'she's stuck up and using Kian' and that 'he deserves better' but they're all so wrong! They need to meet and a see for themselves!"

I laughed. I gave them both a hug, they gave me their twitter names on Starbucks coffee sleeve, and we parted. I went straight for Urban Outfitters and spent at least an hour looking and trying on things before leaving with three bags on clothes and room decor. Just because I spelt in Kian's room, doesn't mean my room couldn't be cute!

When I finally decided to go home, my back seat was completely covered in bags and I had the biggest buzz of coffee that I'd ever experienced. I wondered whether it was safe to drive. None the less I made it home safely to a strangers car in our driveway. My mind jumped from stir crazy to curious in an instant. I'd never seen this car before, so unless someone I already knew got a new car, I had not in the slightest idea who this belonged to.

I left all my bags in the car and walked slowly to the front door. I stood a few seconds outside, wondering if I could hear anyone inside from out here. But not a sound could be heard through the large wooden door. It also occurred to me that this was really strange, so I simply walked inside. From the front door, it all played out in front of me. My heart burned and then sunk. Kian, sitting on the couch with none other than, surprise, Andrea. He kissed her.

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