veinticinco - 25

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"What's up guys, it's Jc here, and I have... one... two, three... four... five... six... se-ven... eight...
Nine guests here with me today!
You might be wondering how that's possible,
Well I'll tell you;"

Angeles jumped out and onto the floor beside me in front of my camera.

"Angeles and I and all the animals are doing the updated furry friend tag!
We have a now grand total of eight animals in our house at this point, and most of them came in with Angel."

"Are you mad that I came with animals?"

"No, did I look like I was complaining?"


"ANYWAY! We're gonna go through and do the tag again, I don't remember all the questions, I don't even think there are supposed to be questions in the-"

"Found them," Angeles said, looking down at her phone.

"Great dood... great..."

She laughed.

"Let us begin!"


"You know what Jc, I don't want your judgment!
Me first!
Okay, first I think we should just introduce all our animals.
I'll start."

Angeles got up and ran across the room, bent over, stood back up and then ran back and sat down her a cat in her arms.

"Okay everyone, this is Yoda," she said, holding him up. "Imma introduce you my pets in the order I got them.
So Yoda has been here since like the very beginning of Cali! Next is Tag, TAG!"

He got up and came running over, barrelling into us after Angel set Yoda down on the bed behind us.

"This is Pud," she said after getting her tiny pet and holding it up to the camera. "He's a bit shy.
And lastly, here's Nova."

"Okay, fucking Angeles has so many animals, imma keep quick!
Here's Wishbone, but you all know him, and Vega, the he-she cat!"

"And then Hazel, but she's out with Kian right now so she and he couldn't join us.
Okay, she now we'll answer the actual questions.
This is gonna take so long, cos I have so many pets!
'What is your pets name?'
Well we already introduced them so next question!
'What kind of pet and what breed?'
Okay, Yoda is a Himalayan midget cat. Tag, the angel of the bunch, is a German shepherd.
Pud is a hedgehog and Nova in a Siberian husky."

"Okay, Wish is like a terrier mix, I don't know, he's a mutt!
And then Vega, I didn't even know there were cat breeds, so she's just orange and white cat!"

"You mean 'he's'?"

"Oh my god stop!"

"'How long have you had your pet?'
I've had Yoda since I moved to California, I got him a month or two after I moved here.
Tag I bought right after I moved in with Kian and Jc.
Pud I got a week before I turned seventeen and Nova I just got a few days ago."

"Well I've had Wishbone his whole life, he's my best friend, I love this dog.
And Vega, like a year and a half now."

"'I'm skipping some of these questions, they're irrelevant!
Okay, 'how old is your pet?'"

"Wishbone is just infinite age!
Aha, I've had him for twelve years so I guess he's twelve, or thirteen.
And Vega is about a year and a bit."

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