treinta y quatro - 34

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I could hear Angeles belting out Adele lyrics from her bathroom down the hall. I sat on the couch laughing and smiling to myself. I had these moments were I would just sit there and think of how lucky I was to have her in my life. Angeles was probably one of the best things that had ever happened to me. I loved her so much, I wanted everything in my life to revolve around her. It was all about her.

I jolted when I heard a phone vibrate beside me, laying on the sofa cushion. It was Angel's phone. I'd assumed she'd bring it to the bathroom with her, to listen to music. But, by the sounds of it, it didn't seem like she needed her phone music! I figured I'd just take a message for her instead of more voice mails. I slid my thumb across the answer key and raised the device to my ear.


"Oh, hello there," a woman said on the other end. "Sorry, I think I must have the wrong number."

"Oh well, who are you trying to reach?" I asked.

"Angeles Singer?"

My heart skipped a beat. This must have been Angel's mother. I swallowed hard.

"Oh," I said awkwardly. "Well, this is her phone, but not her!"

She laughed. "I would think not!" I smiled. "To whom do I speak?"

I cleared my throat and sat up straight. "It's... it's her boyfriend," I stammered slightly. "Kian Lawley."

The other end went silent for a moment.

"Kian Lawley," she repeated slowly. "Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while."

I frowned slightly.

"You... know who I am?"

"Yes, Angeles has been watching your channel since she was fourteen," she said, her voice smooth despite the phone fuzz.

My heart quickened in my chest.


"Oh yeah, she loved your videos! Tuned in every time you uploaded something new. Adam liked your content too!  Adam is Angeles' little..."

"Brother, yeah, she told me all about him," I filled.

She sighed. "She probably also told you about her horrible mother and father." I could almost feel her mood alter through the line. She sighed again. "I wouldn't blame her."

I didn't really know what to say. I didn't want to agree, although what she said was very true. I sat there silently.

"But you two," she finally said after a long pause. "You're together?"

"Yes, for couple of months now," I answered, happy that the conversation was rolling again, and that it was about Angel. "Yeah, she lives here with Jc and I, if you know who Jc is."

"Oh of course! She's living with you?"

"Yeah, she had some apartment troubles when she moved here, and we had an empty room so."

"Oh, so it's been a while that you two, or three I should say have been close friends?"

"Yeah, she's fun to have around."

"I'm so glad."

There was another long pause.

"Have you told her you loved her yet?"

I breathed deeply.

"Yes I have, and I mean it. I love her. She's amazing in every way possible, and I'm glad that she's a part of my life."

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