treinta y dos - 32

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"No, it was sweet, we had a moment!"

Sam nodded, smirking and unconvinced. I threw a pretzel at him.

"I think it's romantic," Ricky said, looking at me.

I was sitting on Kian's lap, we each held a cold Corona in hand, and his arms were wrapped around me lovingly and tightly. One hand lay on my hip. Every so often I'd feel it slipping downward, and I'd swivel my hips every time, making him squirm and stop. I couldn't wait for everyone to leave... and for Jc to go out. He was taking Lia out for dinner, leaving Kian and I alone for a few hours, and if we and Jc were lucky, maybe all night!

"You know, they were doing the boyfriend girlfriend tag and that's when Kian chose to tell Angeles he loved her," he finished.

I shivered remembering, a smiling lighting up on my face.

We were sitting out on the balcony on the outdoor sofas. The backdrop of gradient setting sky surrounded us. Just a case of beers and a full reuniting of the gang.

"I didn't plan to say it," Kian piped up, sitting up under me so I sat on him like a chair. He hugged my stomach from behind, his arms long enough for his hands to hold my waist. "I just said it, because I meant it."

I turned and smiled at him. His eyes turned up and found mine.

"I love her."

I smiled wider, then leant down and kissed him lovingly, my hand cupping his cheek.

"Awwwww!" everyone cooed. I blushed and pulled back giggling and let my head fall back on his shoulder.

"I think it's cute," Connor said out of nowhere. "I think they're cute."

"We're damn cute!" Kian said, his chest vibrating on my back.

"No hate guys," Sam said sitting on the edge of his seat and leaning forward with his elbows on his knees. "I just figured, having known Kian for so long, that he would have done this huge thing for the first 'I love you'. Not saying it wasn't enough for you, Angel, because it's exciting hearing those words. I just didn't think Kian would say them on camera either."

"Well, now we have the video to look back on," I said giggling and sipping my beer. Everyone cheered and laughed.

"WOW!" Kian suddenly blurted out under me, thrusting upward.

"What the fuck!" I laughed. That was the moment I realized my phone was ringing in my back pocket. Oh my god!

"Sorry babe," I laughed, getting to my feet and shimmying it out of my tight pocket.

"Don't be," he whispered and winked.

I grinned, sticking my tongue out between my teeth. My gaze then fell to my phone screen with an unrecognized number and no contact. But the location underneath made my stomach clench.

"Who is it?" Jc said asked. He was in view of me staring down at my phone.

I sat back down on the sofa beside Kian.

"I don't know," I said. "But it's from Montreal."

"That's weird," Trevor said.

"Yeah," I said, not looking up. I slid my finger across the screen, answering, the brought the device to my ear. "Hello?"

"Oh my god, Angeles?"

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