treinta y nueve - 39

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"She's at Lia's," Jc came into the kitchen and said. "She said she's staying there for a bit."

"What am I gonna do?" I questioned, my head in my hands.

"Why did you agree to do that?" he asked harshly.

He was clearly pretty mad. I told Jc about everything that had happened. Andrea calling me, asking about what I thought about her idea for a video, me thinking it was an interesting idea and following along. I just hoped Angeles believed me when I told her that what she saw was the only thing that happened.

"I don't know," I answered. "I don't know what I was thinking, I just, slipped my mind."

"Jesus, if Angeles forgives you, I'll be amazed," he scoffed.

Usually, I would've gone Hulk hearing my best friend say something like that. But for some reason, it raised my concerns.

"Do you think she won't forgive me?" I asked cautiously.

"Dude, you fucking know about Angeles' beef with Andrea," Jc said. "You know Angeles had a problem with her, yet you still even thought about getting together with her to make this stupid video. I don't know what was going through your head Kian, but I'll tell you something, if I was Angel, I wouldn't forgive you."


Only three days later did Angeles return. Jc welcomed her with open arms, and I was greeted with glares and tears. I got all my yelling from Jc, because Angeles refused to talk to me.

All her things in my room were replaced back into hers, and I was forbidden from ever going in, under any circumstance. And I respected that. I did my very best to always stay on her good side, but I'm quite convinced that I'm just not on any side of her. She won't even look at me.

She spent close to no time at home. She always found an excuse to be out, or always tried to find an excuse for me to leave. It was almost like when she was in the hospital and we were waiting to bring her home. Waiting for her to come around. It made me think if this incident would throw her back to that mindset, but I knew better. I knew for a fact that I wasn't worth her tears right now. She was hurting, but she wasn't sad. She was purely angry. At me. I would love ask how we managed to end up here, but I knew the answer.

Jc and I were sitting in the kitchen. Even he barely talked to me. We'd just ordered food and were waiting for it to arrive. Angeles was on the phone. I walked passed her open door before and looked inside. She was sitting on her bed, leaned over, talking to her mother. Just like I saw her ages ago when she talked to her mom for the first time in months. When she saw me standing, eyes begging for forgiveness, or at least a heart to heart, she simply stood, strut over and slammed the door in my face.

Now I'm here, sitting, basically alone because Jc won't look me in the eyes. It even seemed as though Tag hated me. He sat far away.

In the distance, I heard Angeles' bedroom door open. I sat up quickly when from the dark I saw her walking towards the kitchen. She walked in and stood in the arch. She hadn't willingly been in the same room as me in a month. I still didn't know where we stood with our relationship. She wouldn't talk to me. I still didn't know if we were even together anymore...

She looked tired and her eyes were red.

"I'm leaving," she said lowly, her voice hoarse. "It's too painful to stay."

I felt my heart break into pieces. That was almost an answer to the question I dreaded most. And I didn't know who she was telling; me or Jc.

"I'm moving back to Canada."

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