treinta y tres - 33

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"It was my mom," Angel said, lying naked beside me, under the sheets.

"Wait, what?" I exclaimed, propping myself up beside her. "Your mom?" she nodded. "How'd she get in touch with you?" she shrugged and shook her head. "What did she say?"

"Well, it was technically an apology, which I did not accept, but mostly reviewing the suicide explanation video," she told me. "I vented and told her all the times and ways I've tried before, freaked her the fuck out, and she told me Adam had my number again, so I'm gonna talk to him tomorrow."

"Wow, wow," she slowed. "The times and ways you've tried? What were-"

"I'm never telling you," she said sturdily. "It's not for your ears, and I don't want you knowing because I'm horrified and disgusted with myself."

I nodded. I wouldn't push her to a snapping point. Besides, I'm not sure I wanted to know anyway.

"But Adam has your number, and your gonna talk to him for the first time in months," I said, my fingers playing aimlessly with the length on her fading blue hair. She was getting it done tomorrow. Bleach blonde and dark roots.

"Yeah, I'm happy," she said, not sounding all that happy. "But let's not talk about this anymore. We just had great sex and I'm in a better mood. You should get riled more often. I like angry horny you!"



I sat on my sofa by the window in my room just staring outside, cellphone in hand, waiting. I felt like that girl who is desperately waiting for that text back from her crush. But me, I was waiting for my little brother, whom I haven't spoken to in months, to call.

I was nervous and excited. Not too sure why I was nervous, I'd been talking to Adam in secret for months. This would be like any other time we'd spoken.

Wait no... since last time we spoke and now, I tried to kill myself... and he knows... he knows everything!

My phone vibrated in my hand. Caller from Montreal, Quebec.

Oh no...

That was a bad first thought. Now I was scared to answer. What was he gonna say? Would he bring it up right away? Would he bring it up at all?

I answered and quickly shot my hand up, smashing my phone to my cheek.

"Hello?" I answered nonchalantly. What the hell?


Oh my god, hearing his voice again! My eyes immediately watered and my nose pricked.


"Angeles, I miss you so much!" he cried lowly. My eyes squeezed shut and tears poured out and down my cheek.

"I know buddy, I miss you too!"

It was the most heartfelt two hour conversation about my life. He told me right off the bat; "we're not talking about what happened in November, or all the times before that. That's passed you, and I wanna know how your doing now". Could you believe he was fourteen?

We talked and talked. And outside it rained and rained. I sat on my window ledge, wearing one of Kian's baseball tees that was a dress on me, fluffy knee socks and hair flipping everywhere. Kian brought me tea when he heard me start crying for the third time.

"Thanks babe," I sniffed.


I laughed.

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