dieciseis - 16

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"You know what Kian?" I asked bluntly, and rather forcefully.

"What?" he turned and questioned, brows furrowed.

"It's still my birthday..." I started, and opened my mouth to continue, but Kian beat me to it.

"Yeah, it's like eleven in the morning," he chirped smirking. I glared at him.

"Ha ha, funny!" I said, tone dripping with sarcasm. "Since it's still my birthday, obviously, I wanna go get something for myself."

"I thought Pud was a birthday present to yourself," he brought up.

"He was an early birthday present!" I snapped, and Kian laughed. "This will be an on-the-day birthday present to myself."

"Okay, what do you want to get?" he asked. I smiled widely.

"A tattoo."


"You sure you don't want a new car?" he asked. We were pulling into the lot.

I shook my head.

"Or another dog?" he added.

"HELL no!" I laughed. "Tag and Hazel are enough!"

"You sure you want a tattoo?" he asked again, for the millionth time on this car ride to Romeo's.

"Why do you sound so... parenty? It sounds like you're trying to convince me not to get one," I said.

"I just wanna make sure you know, tattoos are forever, so if you get something dumb or if he messes up, it's there forever," he told me.

"Actually you've just been asking me other possible things I could want instead of a tattoo," I insisted, cocking up an eyebrow. "And all that coming from you! Besides Romeo, you are the most tattooed friend I have!"

He smiled.

"Kian," I said, reaching over with both hands and squeezing his arm. "I'm sure."

He smiled lightly and nodded.

"Hey Romeo!" I called when we walked inside. He came out from a small room in the back and smiled when he saw us.

"Hey guys, what's up?" he smiled.

"I came for that tattoo," I smirked, feeling happy but shaky.

I was nervous about this. Not going back to what Kian had mentioned about forever, but about the pain. I know it probably wouldn't be as bad as the nose piercing, but maybe it would actually hurt more. I'd find out soon.

"Hey, awesome!" he exclaimed, high-fiving me. "She finally came around!"

I grinned.

"So do you know what you want?" he asked.

Oh shit...

"I didn't even think to think about that before leaving!" I laughed, and looked up shyly at Kian, who was laughing as well, but you could tell he was concerned.

I knew all the tattoos I wanted to get, 100% sure of all of them too. I just hadn't thought of which one I wanted to be my first one.

"Oh, I know," I shouted and pulled my phone out of my shorts pocket.

I unlocked it and scrolled through my pictures. I landed on one of the many tattoo ideas if had since I was like ten! It was a big beautiful rose set.

"This," I said, turning and showing it to Romeo. "And have it right here," I said pointing to my right inner bicep.

"Nice," he smiled. "Starting out easy. Did Kian tell you it hurst less there?"

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