veinticuatro - 24

151 6 1


Did that... did we just... did I... did you...

Yes, we did. We were so lucky Jc hadn't been home at the time. It was wild... and a little loud!

"Hey Angel?"


There was a long pause after she answered. I wasn't sure what to say. I just felt like the silence needed to be filled. But something did eventually come to mind.

"What now?"


Once we were clothed and calm, we met upstairs in the kitchen. Angeles got a soda bottle and opened it furiously fast and jumped up and sat on the island. She wore a muscle top, my muscle top and her cute little shorts. Her legs swung anxiously.

I came in and leaned on the counter in front of her. We were quiet for a long time.

"Can I just... say something crazy?" she spurted out suddenly.

"Don't go all Frozen on me now Angel, not the time," I half joked. She glared at me.

"Okay anyway, I'm praying I'm not alone on this here," she started. "But that was like... really good!"

"You found?" I questioned. She nodded abruptly.

"Maybe it was cos I haven't had sex in a long time but, damn, you held your own!" she quoted smiling.

"Yeah, could say the same for you!" I laughed.

This wasn't awkward?

I didn't know much about Angeles before she moved to Cali. Maybe back in Canada she was popular with the guys and she was just super comfortable. I wouldn't interrogate out of respect for her privacy.

"The question still stands though," she said.

I nodded at her.

"What do we do now?" she asked.

"Forget about it?" I suggested.

"Pretend it never happened?" she added.

This time spent chatting about the events of ten minutes ago were full of long suspenseful pauses.


"Keep doing it?" she called, and immediately slapped a hand over her mouth.

I looked at her wide eyed. Her eyes were wider though. I couldn't tell if she'd shocked herself by saying that or if she surprised herself by saying it out loud.

"You'd be into that?" I asked, cocking up one eyebrow. "The whole sex without feelings thing."

Her hand slid away from her face, falling onto her lap. Her save held a mixture of expressions; surprise, embarrassment... lust.

"We could be like Dylan and Jaimie," I shrugged side smiling.

I smile broke out on Angeles' face.

"You know, I felt like an idiot for suggesting it be-" she started.

"Suggesting what?" I cut in, stepping closer, my hands settling on her legs above her knees.

Her skin, especially her long tan legs, was so soft. I could touch them all day.

But her face was annoyed, and hot, maybe a little turned on again.

"Suggesting we be friends with benefits," she said slowly. I smirked. "I felt silly saying it, but now I'm so glad I spat that out!"

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