veintisiete - 27

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Everyone kind of just... did absolutely nothing. Kian and I lay naked in bed while Jc stood in the doorway. This couldn't possibly be the worst thing Jc had walked in on Kian doing, was my first thought. But when he didn't change facial expressions at all, I was beginning to doubt my own words.

I was trying to think of what could have been going through Jc's head. I broke down the situation; Kian, Jc and I all lived together, Kian and I started banging, but we weren't dating, Jc didn't know, Jc found out but catching us after the act. Yeah he was shocked out of his mind!

"Jc..." I said slowly, reaching so slowly to cover myself as I turned to sit and face him.

He still just stared.

"Jc, this is really not as bad as it may seem," I was practically making every word its own sentence. "Please don't..."

But before I could finish, he turned and bolted out.

"Jc no!" I screamed. I turned to Kian, who'd abruptly sat up when Jc ran out. "Go get him before he does something!"

"I'm fucking naked, you go!" he yelled.

"So am I, and I have more to cover!" I argued. "Ugh!"

I jumped out and pulled on my underwear and Kian's discarded muscle top, that really did nothing for side boob coverage. I could have ran out shirtless, it would have made difference! I ran after Jc, Kian followed once he was in his boxers.

"Jc!" I called. Following him up the last few steps, Kian right at my heels.

I saw he had his phone unlocked. Oh no...

"NO DON'T!" I screamed trying to grab him, but he slipped right of my grasp.

Kian and I chased him into the living room and he jumped onto the couch, and because of all the running and screaming the dogs came in and started barking. Yoda and Vega sprinted across the room, leaving Jc, the two half naked teens and the four puppies barking in living room. Meanwhile the house smelt like burgers and fries!

"What the fuck!" Jc yelled. "You guys are sleeping together?"

"Yes, we're sorry you had to find out this way!" Kian yelled back.

Or at all...

"What the hell!" he kept calling. "Are you guys dating?"

"No!" Kian and I shouted in unison.

Jc's stopped balancing and stood up straight, completely dumbfounded. Saying that probably made things worse.

"Well then why they fuck are you guys doing it?" he snapped.

"Because it happened once and then it just kept happening!" I shouted.

"What the fuck!" he screamed. "How long has this been going on?"

"Like a month," Kian answered.

At this point, Jc was the only one screaming, Kian and I were just talking in a normal voice.

"Why?" he asked, still loud.

"Because we wanted to," I said.

"Where, like, are there places I should reframe from going?"

Kian and mine's gaze dropped the the couch, our faces red.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jc screamed, freaking out and jumping off the cushions and onto the floor. I had to try my very best not to laugh, given the situation was a little tense. "You fucked on our couch!"

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