treinta y uno - 31

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"What the fuck!"

Jc was standing in front of the TV, it playing something on the news channel about two teenagers who were arrested for trespassing private and "sacred" property. Who, us? Oh yeah...

We were standing in last nights clothes this morning, and like many times before this one, being scolded by Jc.

"Yeah..." I said, dragging out the word.

We were tired eyed and slouching, clearly just wanting to strip off our clothes and cuddle up in bed and sleep. A night in the box. At least we weren't separated. It almost sucked how much Andrea had almost called it when she mentioned law trouble. And she, along with everyone else would see this. Yeepee.

"What the hell were you guys thinking?" he demanded as we sheepishly strolled across the floor and fell on the couch facing him.

"That we weren't gonna get caught," Angel answered lowly. Jc glared at her.

"There are cameras everywhere," he shouted.

"But we've been there in broad daylight!" I called. Probably wasn't the best thing to say.

"Honestly," Jc mumbled rubbing his eyes.

"But they didn't even give us a chance to leave, they sent in like a swat team to get us out," Angeles half complained to me.

"That's what they do when people trespass landmarks," Jc told her.

"But in the Friends With Benefits movie they..."

"Is that what you think this is, a movie?" Jc snapped. Angeles, clearly taken aback, sat up straight and wide eyed. "Well, you picked a damn good movie to live by. Your life has been an uncanny replica of it you know!"

She shot up and stood before him. And even though he was at least a head taller, she still looked intimidating.

"You know what, I don't know why I'm sitting here listening to you give me shit," she bellowed. "You're not my mom, or my dad, or a police officer or anyone who could give me orders and scold me. You're my friend, and I like it better when my friends don't act my like parents. And you wanna know why? Because my parents are shitty awful people, who cut my off and couldn't care if I was dead right now! I'd rather not have that image when I look at you Caylen, because your my best friend!"

She stormed off, towards the stairs and quickly padded down. From up hear, I heard her slam the door, drop her shoes and scream into a pillow.

Jc stood, his eyes closed. I could tell he regretted snapping at her, because she bit right back.

"Could you go talk to her, make sure she's alright?" he asked me, without looking at me. Instead, he walked to the front door and grabbed his keys, leaving slowly. If we were a family, we were a dysfunctional one.

"Angel?" I knocked on the door. No answer.

Out of past experiences, I sort of barged in, scaring the shit out of Tag and making Angeles turn over under the sheets and sit up. She was naked.

"Sorry I..."

"It's okay," she shook her head, smiling tightly.

Her face was bare and as naked as her beautiful body was. I loved that she had such naturally dark lashes that framed her big doe eyes. Her cheeks were splattered with freckles here and there, but you'd never notice under the makeup she wore. Angeles was really the element of perfection this world lacked. She was quite literally an Angel.

"Should I bleach my hair again?" she asked once I was lying down on my back next to her. "One do something different with it?"

"You should cut it short and dye it all silver," I answered. I guess we'd completely disregard what had just taken set.

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