diecinueve - 19

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"Welcome home Angeles."

She stared out the windshield unmoving. She looked as if the house was looking back. Unblinking.

"Are you..." I started.

"I'm fine," she cut, ripping her seatbelt off and jumping out of the car. I sighed.

As we approached the door, Jc came outside.

"Hi Angel, it's great to see you," he said smiling lightly.

He approached her with outstretched arms, and when he drew closer, she simply stopped walking and let herself be enveloped in her arms, but she did not hug back. My eyes shut and I looked down.

After a bit, she wiggled away and headed inside. I came over and patted Jc's shoulder.

"Don't worry," I reassured. "She did the same to me."

"What's this gonna be like?" he asked. "Like, how do we act, what do we say?"

"I don't know," I admitted. "This is new territory for me too, but she just came home after a week of white walls, scratchy blankets and bland food. When it comes to talking, don't mention anything about it, and do not mention it online anywhere."

"Got that," he said matter of factly.

We followed her inside and both stopped dead. We'd almost stepped right on Angel. She was sitting right in the front entrance, holding Tag in a strangling hug. Her face was buried in his neck and his head was rested on her shoulder.

"She'll hug the dog but she won't hug us," Jc leaned up and whispered.

"I heard that," Angeles muffled through Tag's coat.

We both chuckled.


It was nearly eleven, and Jc had already hit the hay, I was just grabbing a glass of water before heading off to bed myself, when on my way to the stairs I saw Angeles standing in the hallway facing her doorway.

"Hey Angel," I called softly, and she turned.

I walked towards her.

"Everything alright?" I questioned.

She didn't answer. Her lips parted and she looked back inside her room. I followed her gaze.

"What is it?" I asked, looking back at her.

Her gaze dropped to the floor and she sniffed a bit. Oh...

"Oh, no no, Angeles don't cry, come here," I said taking her shoulders and turning her towards me.

I hugged her against my chest and hushed her, but it didn't stop her crying. Guilt pulsed through me.

"I'm sorry Angeles," I soothed. "I got you, it's okay, I got you."

"Why did I do that?" she winced.

You're asking me? That was the only thing I wanted to know from Angeles, why? But I'd yet to have an answer. Still, it was a little to soon to be asking those types of questions. I was careful when asking her if she wanted a glass of water.

"Do you wanna sleep in my room tonight?" I offered, hoping maybe she'dstop crying.

"I really can't turn down that offer right now," she whispered. "Usually I would, but it sounds like a good alternative at the moment."

"Angeles it's no trouble," I assured. "Come on, Tag can come too."

"He fell asleep on the couch, and couldn't be bothered to reposition," she laughed lightly. I smiled.

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