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I created my channel, LosAngel in grade eight, after an amazing year of being attached at the hip with Mali. I didn't expect my channel to become what it is today; going strong with seven-hundred-thousand subscribers!

It was a joke at first. I just made the channel to post one stupid video of Mal and I dancing or some shit. But after I posted it, I got more into watching other people post videos of themselves dancing, only they got like a couple thousand views and likes compared to my mere five views and three dislikes. So I subscribed to their channels and watched their other videos. Q&As, dares, challenges, collabs, tags. I found my favorite Youtubers in this mess. And after watching all of their videos, I decided I wanted to do the same thing.

So I started making more serious videos, like an introductory video;

"Hello everyone, I'm Angeles.

So I know I posted one video before this one, and it was super weird! It was actually a dare, but this is real.

So, I, Angeles Singer, have decided I want to enter the realms of Youtube and join the band wagon on this virtual adventure.

I feel like the best way to seriously start this channel off is by introducing myself.

So hi, my name is Angeles Singer.

Not Angie, or Gigi, or Gels, Angeles, or Angel.

I'm 14 and I'm from Montreal Canada, in the worst province known, QC.

I hate it here, I want to live in Cali!"

I was never really into watching beauty gurus or makeup channels. I was into the comedy channels, like Tyler Oakley or IISuperwomanII. Throughout my time spent on YouTube, my favorites list broadened to many other uploaders. That's when I started attending gatherings like Digifest in Toronto. I got to meet some of my idols, and it was life changing.

By the end of summer after finishing my grade nine year, I had one-hundred-thousand subscribers. My video skills got better, and I got more comfortable in front of the camera. I started another channel, a vlog channel, and that one got popular real fast.

My first collab vlog was with mylifeaseva when I went to New York for an event, and it gained me several thousand subscribers. I'd had my main channel for almost two years now, and with a little more than seven-hundred-thousand subscribed, I thought I must have been doing something right!


"Hey Angel," Mal piped. We were back in my room, me flat out on my stomach on my bed with my laptop in front of me and Mali sat on the floor leaning against the mattress with her Mac on her legs. I looked over and hummed. "Jc just posted."

I'd developed two new favorite YouTubers, Jc Caylen and Kian Lawley. In a day or two, I watched all of their videos on both of their main channels, their shared channel KianAndJc plus the O2L channel videos.

Four months ago, when they split up, it really meant nothing to me. I wasn't a fan at the time, but now it brings me a wave of sadness to think that when I watch or even re-watch one of their old videos, they won't ever upload another one. I was subscribed to all of the individual members channels, and luckily, that wasn't over, and probably never would be.

"Hey, speaking of, new video this Monday!" she said wiggling her eyebrows at me. I grinned widely.

I bit down on my lip accidentally, and my braces pinched my gum. I winced, and Mal laughed at me.

"If you weren't a little bitch, I'd invite you over and we could watch it on the Apple TV and eat cookie dough, but I'm second guessing..." I teased.

"NO!" she cried and jumped up. She threw herself at me and clung onto my back with her arms and legs. "Love me! Please let me come over and watch!"

I laughed.

"Of course you can come, who else am I gonna watch two boys doing stupid funny shit with?" I asked.

"Dude," she said, suddenly serious, even sitting astride my back. "We can like, never not be friends."

"Kid, you don't think I already know that?" I asked sarcastically. "We're moving out together in like, a year!"

"Oh my god, that's gonna be so frickin awesome!" she squealed. "My sisters live in that building, and they're eighteen plus, so they can get us drank!"

I laughed and nodded.

"But seriously, living on our own is gonna be so great," she continued. "You can sneak out, no one will care, steal food at midnight and not have to worry about parents catching you, can smoke some weed..."

"Oh my god, that's literally all you care about!" I joked.

"And gettin drunk son!" she yelled.

"Shh, dude, my parents are home!" I hissed. Her eyes widened and she stifled a giggle.

"See, we won't have to worry about this kind of thing when we move out!" she whispered. We both laughed.

I went and scrolled through my twitter timeline, answered some messages, favorited and retweeted some things. Mal watched.

"What's it like to be famous?" she randomly asked.

"I'm not famous, just popular," I assured. I opened my YouTube account to check some of the comments for ideas for next week's video.

"Dude, you're fucking famous," she insisted.

"No, Kian and Jc are famous, I am popular," I told her. I pointed at the number on their page. "Two million subscribers, famous," I informed. I then opened my page and showed her my number. "Oh look at that, eight-hundred-thousand subscribers, popular."

"Okay, well, what happens when you reach one million?" she asked.

"Then I'm famous bitch!" I hollered happily.


omg yay Im happy xx

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