ocho - 8

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Trevor texted me two days after we collabed and hung out for the day.

*Come over, I have people I want you to meet*

That was all the motivation I needed to drag my lazy ass out of bed and get out of the house. I showered quickly, put some frizz taming and curl enhancing product in. I minimized makeup, like I usually did. I had been blessed with dark hair and matching dark brows and lashes. I barely needed mascara. Still I applied a coat to lengthen them.

For an outfit, since, like every other day, it was hot outside, I threw on a pair of light wash high-waisted shorts and a over-sized grey muscle top that I tied at the bottom. I pulled on my vans, a pair of round sunglasses and grabbed Jams from the coat hanger.

He was thrown in the back of my car and I hopped into the driver seat and started the ignition.

Trevor's house was about a ten, maybe fifteen minute drive, but on the way, you got to pass a lot of really nice scenery and a couple of mansion like houses.

When I pulled up to his place, there for a variety of different cars in the driveway. A Kia Soul, a Range Rover, a Mustang and now my little Ford. I left Jams in the car and hastily walked towards the front door.

When I knocked, there was a mixture of many things I could hear through the door, including screaming, barking and thumping sounds. One was getting louder and closer to the door.

"Angel!" Trevor said before he even had the door open. I smiled. He looked out of breath. "Come in, don't mind the mess and the crazy human beings!"

I stepped inside and Trevor shut the door and then bolted into another room. He hushed everyone loudly.

"Angel! Where you at?!"

I padded across the floor and around the corner. The room looked like it had hosted the battle field of a pillow fight, cushions and blankets were scattered across the floor and sofas, and sprawled out or standing on them were four boys. They were all motionless and staring at me.

"ANGELES SINGER!" Sam Pottorff cried out. Wow, good start.

"Sam, shh! Sit down!" Trevor ordered. He then cleared his throat and addressed the room. "Everyone, this is Angeles Singer..."

"From Canada!" Ricky Dillon yelled. Wow, hey.

"Yes, and Angeles, or Angel, this is everyone," he started. "Sam, he knows who you are."

Sam jumped up and rushed over, and I was expecting him to stop, formally introduce himself and say something funny, but instead he just threw his arms around me and held me in a bone crushing hug.

"Wow, hi," I said breathlessly. I felt my feet lift off the ground.

"Sam, don't kill her, I wanna meet her!" Sam was kind of peeled off of me then shoved onto a couch. Replacing him, someone new, but not a stranger to me stood.

"The name's Jc," he said winking and puckering his lips quickly. "But you can call me Cj," he added and growled.

"Hi Jc, it's a pleasure to meet you," I said sarcastically formally. He giggled, and it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

In all honesty, I was keeping myself on lockdown and acting super casual, but I really wanted to do like Sam did and just go hug everyone.

"Hi, I've seen your videos, and their awesome, and I'm gonna hug you," Ricky came up and said, and then hugged me tightly.

"Aw, thank you, I love your videos and also thank you for following me on twitter on few months ago," I said, hugging him back.

When Ricky pulled away and stepped back, in front of me stood Kian Lawley, tall, blonde and flawless. Wow...

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