diez - 10

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"I guess just... make yourself at home," I told Kian. I started backing towards my bedroom. "I'll only be a few minutes."

I retreated in the comfort confines of my room. I won't say being with Kian was awkward, it was more like... me feeling like I paled in comparison to him. This was Kian Lawley, YouTube sensation and teen heartthrob, and I was Angeles Singer, YouTuber from Canada, big whoop!

I shook the thought from my mind. We're both just human beings right now, no big deal. I reran this thought through my head over and over again, until I was starting to feel like what I was thinking was a lie. No, we're not human, we're celebrities! Well he is, I'm not, but that's not the point! We can't walk outside without getting mobbed! Why am I telling myself we're normal? We're not!

"It's a really nice place," I heard Kian call from outside my closed door. Why did I close my door? He probably thinks I'm some crazy secretive chick!

"Thanks, for how much it's worth!" I called back jokingly. It wasn't crush nervous I was feeling, it was not wanting to make a fool of myself nervous. It wouldn't have mattered anyway; Kian would never go for a girl like me.

I packed a Vans backpack with a towel, a small speaker, my wallet of course and sunscreen. I now remembered why is closed my door; too change. I stripped my muscle top from my torso and tossed it on my bed. Next I reached around and unclasped my bra, discarding it in the laundry hamper.

"Hey, um, if want to drive to my place that's f-"

The door opened and Kian stopped short on his sentence. I screamed a bit and jumped around to face the opposite direction and covered my chest with my arms.


"Oh my g- ever heard of knocking?!" I yelled. I could hear Kian laughing lightly.

"I'm so sorry!" he said, lingering a few more seconds.


"Right!" he exclaimed and shut the door. I huffed, feeling my heart beating fiercely in my ribcage. Then he knocked and reopened the door.

"KIAN!" I screamed.

"If you want to drive to my house instead of board, because it's kinda far, that's fine too," he said nonchalant. I knew for a fact he had a smug grin on his face.

"Okay Kian, we'll drive," I said slowly. "Now Kian, would you please close the door, and not come back in?" I asked slowly through gritted teeth.

"I like your room, it's really nice decor and setup," he said casually.

"GET OUT!" I shrieked. The door slammed, but I could hear him laughing.

Before he could come back in again, I pulled on my white and black triangl bikini -I know, so mainstream- and pulled my tank top back over my head. Out of nowhere I heard a loud mechanical wind sound. I frowned.

"What the..."

I walked out of my room and to the bathroom, where the sound was coming from. Inside was Kian, holding my blow dryer, set on cool while he blow dried his armpits. He didn't even flinch when I opened the door.

"You're like a puppy, you know," I said shaking my head, having to yell over the blow dryer racket.

"How so?" he asked, turning to face me. I felt his eyes immediately fell to my bare legs. Didn't have time to put shorts on, thanks to this special one!

"You can't be left alone for even a second without getting into trouble," I confirmed, crossing my arms.

"Am I in trouble?" he asked.

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