seis - 6

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"New tour!

Okay, so, I literally just finished unpacking an hour ago.

I took a shower, I made a sandwich, I ate said sandwich and then I was like filming time!

So, this is my new crib, where I get all the bitches!

Just kidding, no one likes me... okay...

So, I guess I'll just start over here then.

Oh and by the way, I moved to Los Angeles and my name is Angeles, hi, how do you do?

It seems kind of destined that I live in LA, because my name is Angeles -by the way, since we're friends now, you can call me Angel- and I've also wanted to live here my entire life!"

I literally was able to do my whole apartment tour in excruciating detail in under seven minutes, to give you an estimate of whole small this place was. It almost didn't seem worth paying as much as I was, but it was a home.

I had my video for the following week planned and scripted in my video journal. I wrote all my video ideas down in notebooks I usually bought from Urban Outfitters. I got them for like two dollars because of employee discount. That reminded me I needed to go and get myself another job. YouTube wasn't going to be enough to pay for my rent, bills, food and other necessities.

I had a small box waiting to be unpacked that was all just filled notebooks with my video ideas for the past almost three years. I went right ahead and unloaded the books from the box and stacked them in an organized manner on the one empty corner of my desk.

"There," I said to myself, placing my hands on my hips and looking around the room accomplished. "Done."


Sadly for me, finding a job wasn't as easy here as it was in Montreal. Probably something to do with the fact that I was an immigrant. The real problem was I really needed the money. I'd only been here a month and I was already late on my first bill.

Downtown LA was very busy. The place was alive with people and cars and activity. The sun was always out and gave me a legitimate excuse to wear big sunglasses. It was another one of those hide-your-identity type of days. But it was also a shopping day. I needed to adapt my wardrobe to the new weather I was being exposed to. I needed more shorts and small top. Minimal coverage for maximum comfort I guess it goes in Cali.

I was in UO, looking through racks of nice tank tops in the sales section, although most of my chosen items were from around the store in regular priced racks.

I picked out at least four new outfits before making my way down to the cash. But of course I was distracted by the tables of apartment stuff. I wanted to buy it all, but right now, clothes and rent were more important.

"Um, sorry, hi," someone said right beside me.

I snapped my head up quickly, from surprise, but my eyes widened in utter surprise when I saw just who it was calling my attention.

"Oh my god," I half whispered. Trevor Moran?

He smiled cutely. What the hell?! Was it casual to run into YouTube sensations in public in LA?

"You're Angeles Singer right?" he asked.

I loved his bleached hair. I was trying to get over the fact that he was standing in front of me, and now its piled on that he knows who I am!

I cleared my throat and smiled as nicely as I could with my braces.

"Yeah, wow, I'm... wow," I said with a small laugh. He grinned.

"I thought I recognized you," he said, and my heart melted. "I saw on your twitter and social networking that you'd moved to LA, didn't think I'd actually run into you though!"

I laughed.

"Wow, I never in a million years would have thought I would literally just see you on the street... or in Urban Outfitters for that matter!" I said a smile. He laughed.

Why weren't people swarming him, did they already know he was here or is it just the most casual thing to see Trevor Moran walking around town? Maybe he was just really good at undercover.

"Well, I guess I was kinda comin over to say hey, so hey!" he said. "Hope you like it in LA, we should catch up sometime."

Right when I could feel my heart beating in my chest, it exploded.

"Nice to sort of officially meeting you Angeles," he grinned, and with much grace and sass he tipped his sunglasses onto the bridge of his nose and retreated to the doors, followed by someone else.

Wow, okay!

A week later, I was still without a job, but I was able to pay off my first month. One month in the new place and my landlord already hated me!

Luckily I was raking in some money, enough to pay for everything I needed. I was getting by, and then some. I still had enough extra to do a little shopping here and there... for now.

A week after that, I was editing a video that would be posted the following day. I was very organized with my video uploading. It was scheduled out perfectly. My phone was plugged into my computer and sitting face up on the desk beside me. It lit up and vibrated on the wooden top. I turned sharply and looked at the screen. Text message from Trevor.

*Hey Angeles, you busy?? Because I'm filming a new video this weekend and my regular collab friends are abandoning me. You down to take the one and only spot available?*

I felt my lungs implode.

"YES TREVOR!" I screamed out and snatched my phone up. "Of course, thank you so much for the invite. Text me details!" I read out loud as I tapped the message into my phone.

I got Trevor's number via twitter. We DMed a lot and kind of got to know each other through that. We really weren't that different. Apart from gender, we were basically the same person; YouTubers, artists, funny as hell!

My phone buzzed in my hand, making me jump.

*Of course, it's an easy challenge video, I'll explain everything on Saturday when you come over, 10am, I'll send you the address right after you swear to NEVER share this information with ANYONE*

I sent back simply: I swear

He sent me the address, we talked a bit more, and then we left to do our separate things, mine being to get some food and have a Netflix binge.

This was really exciting, I wasn't sure why I wasn't freaking out a bit more. Trevor Moran just asked me to collab with him after less than a week and a half of talking. We met in an Urban Outfitters downtown LA! What was my life becoming? I loved it!


LMFAO I don't think meeting Trevor in UO was very realistic but I'm over it, anything can happen!

But guys, I still can't get over the fact that he follows me, like, holy cow!!

Also I decided I would post a chapter on the actual monday-day so here y'are

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