quarenta - 40

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Angeles had her things in boxes by the door. She'd have them shipped to her in the following days. She was leaving today. My baby girl. My angel. She was leaving me.

Jc was driving her to the airport in an hour, although she'd asked him to take her sooner. He couldn't, having needed to go out and do Jc things. He'd be back in an hour, then she'd be gone. Gone for good.

I sat in the kitchen with a beer, trying to push it out of my mind that I was in fact losing the best thing that'd ever happened to me. I screwed up so bad. I knew I did. I wished Angeles could find it in her heart to forgive me, but I couldn't blame her for not wanting to. She deserved better than me.


I shot up, seeing Angeles standing at the counter. It might have just been because she was leaving, but she looked exceptionally beautiful today. I swallowed hard and looked at her with big eyes.

"Is Jc back?" she asked softly.

I blinked slowly and shook my head. She nodded once and turned, leaving slowly, back to her room, or any other room that I wasn't in.


She stopped, but didn't turn around.

"I love you," I said intently. "I really do."

I mentally begged her to say it back. I just needed to hear it from her. I needed to hear her voice. But I knew better. She wouldn't say it back. She didn't love me anymore.

I heard Jc's car pull into the driveway. I felt my nose prick and I shut my eyes tightly. Too soon...

I stood and placed my empty beer bottle by the sink and stood in front of it, leaning forward, clutching the counter. I breathed in deeply and exhaled a shaky breath. I wasn't ready to let her go.

Suddenly I felt a touch on my back. I frowned and turned around slowly. Angeles stood with her hand out. Her eyes were big and glazed over. My heart yearned for her.

She stepped forward, wrapping her arms around me and hugging me close. Her action caught me off guard, leaving me without words or reciprocations. When it finally occurred, that Angeles was holding me, my arms held her tightly. My head dropped to her shoulder. I missed this. I missed her already.

"Thank you," she whispered. "For everything."

I blinked my eyes shut tightly, feeling them water up. I never wanted to let her go. I wanted this forever. I wanted Angeles to stay in my life. I couldn't let her walk out.

"Kian, I have to go," she said after some time.

"Angeles don't," I spoke into her hair. "Just..."

"Don't make this harder than it already is," she said. Her voice cracked.

"It could never get harder, this is the worst thing that's ever happened to me," I said softly. "You were the best."

She breathed in deeply, and exhaled with a long sigh. The front door opened and Jc called out.

"So were you," Angeles whispered.

And just like that, she'd slipped out of my arms and was walking away. I followed slowly. She picked up a suitcase from the front, only to have Jc take it from her hands. She smiled slightly, but never turned back. She walked out, giving me one last glance before the door closed in front of her face, creating a barrier between us, like no separation I've ever felt.

The engine roared to life and I saw the Jeep roll down the driveway and onto the street. Then it disappeared in the distance. Just like the day she left, only this time, she wasn't coming back.

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