veintiseis - 26

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"I am so down for a cold shower right now!" I said after jumping out of the truck.

"Just jump in the pool, it's practically the same thing!" Jc said.

And with that Kian came bolting around the car and snatched me up. I screamed.

"No Kian, don't do it!" I cried trying to free myself. "Kian I wasn't actually gonna take a cold show-AHHHH!"

I thought he'd throw me in and stand laughing when I resurfaced. But Kian actually jumped right off the side with me still holding tightly. We landed in the pool, the cold shocking on our practically half naked bodies. I hiked my shirt up to my chest and tied the side, exposing my entire tummy, and I was already wearing little workout shorts. The only thing I didn't have was shoes and socks on still.

I felt the bubbles floating up around our bodies, tickling my bare 'skin as they drifted to the water surface. I opened my eyes and saw blurry. But when the bubbles finally all cleared I could see Kian. His hair swaying like blonde seaweed.

His arms were no longer tight around me, and unfortunately I hadn't taken a good deep breath before we jumped in, so I swam back up. When I re-emerged and breathed deeply, filling my lungs with the crisp air. Summer would be soon, jumping in the pool would actually be refreshing and not shocking soon!

I screamed as Kian came up after another few seconds, his hands grabbing my hips and bringing me closer.

"Hey cutie," he grinned, droplets of water gliding down his face, his hair wet and falling over his forehead.

I smiled and shook my head, then combed my hand through, pushing it back.

"JC!" I yelled as we stood shivering outside the open door.


"Will you bring us towels?" I called, voice shaking.


"Um, no!"


We jogged through the house, soaked clothes and all and padded to our rooms.

"Are you guys serious?" I heard Jc yell once I was in my room, referring to the trail of water we'd left while trudging through. All I did was grin.

I stripped away my wet clothes and discarded them on the floor momentarily. My sports bra was a bit more of a struggle to pull over my head. The material stuck to me like a suction cup.

"Kian! Angel!"

"Yeah!" I answered.

"I'm going to get dinner, what do you want?"

"Surprise me!" I yelled, too annoyed standing half stuck in a fifty dollar piece of material with wires and clips to decide what I wanted for dinner.

I heard the front door open.

"And clean up the water!"

"Yes mom!" I yelled and the door shut. I laughed to myself.

I was finally successful in removing the dripping garment, and it too was thrown across the room in the pile of clothes I'd hang up later.

I heard my door creak open. I stood with my shorts left to remove, but I assumed it was just Tag coming in.

"Hey Tag buddy, you tired from our hike today?" I cooed. Funnily enough I didn't hear his claws clicking on the hardwood.

But sooner then I thought to turn and look, a cold hand caressed my waist, making my heart skip. Soon another hand held my opposite side, and a could feel a figure looming above me.

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