veintidos - 22

166 6 4

~a few weeks later~


"Hellooo everybody and welcome to the Angeles and Angel channel!
That is literally me and me!
So today, or rather, three days ago when I decided to finally start filming today's video, I was completely stumped for ideas, so I just came up with this one super fast.
I also watched Kian do it right before I decided so, guess I gotta give him creds!
So I'm basically just gonna use the same 'questions' he used and...
I didn't even tell you what I was doing yet!
I'm gonna be doing the twenty-five facts about me challenge tag thing...
And I'm using Kian's questions from when he did a long time ago, maybe I'll change a few things, maybe I won't...
Yeah I definitely will!
Alright without further adieu, let the facts begin.
Fact number one: my full name is Angeles Windy Singer.
Hey, how you doin?
And a little branch off to that, my friends used to call me A and W.
You know... like the burger joint...
Number two: I was born and raised in Montreal Quebec, Canada, The Great White North.
The G.W.T for all my northern homies out there!
Number three...
I forgot my third fact.
OH! Look! Guess who came to join?
Surprise surprise..."


Kian bounded into my room and into the shot.

"Hi kian!" I said loudly as he leaned over me from behind and snuggled his face into my neck. "How ya doin?"

"Great, I'm staying here!"

"Of course you are!
Oh yeah, fact three is I moved to Los Angeles a couple -actually- a pretty long time ago and I got kicked out of my first house so I moved in with Kian and Jc.
Fact numba' quatro: I have a dog, a German shepherd puppy called Tag, a midget cat named Yoda and a hedgehog called Pud.
Actually, soon I'm getting another dog because my friend doesn't want it and apparently I'm an animal shelter."

"So we're gonna have four dogs in the house?"

"Looks like it."

"Holy geez!"

"Don't worry, Nova's not a puppy."


"Nova the husky!
And soon me and Jc are doing the-"


Out of nowhere Kian freaked out and jumped at me, taking me in a head lock and covering my mouth with one of his hands. I stood wide eyed in shock and surprise.

"Don't tell em!"

I broke loose and took a few steps away from him, my hands out defending myself.

"Okay Kian, I won't..."

We paused for a long time, still as statues looking dead at each other.

"Back to the facts!" I jumped up and shouted. "Number five... I think.
I'm addicted to Froyo...
Actually, any frozen yogurt really."

"Hey that's what I used for my fifth fact!"

"I remember!
Wait no, it was your forth."

"This girl knows me good!"

Fact fi... SIX!
Okay, we're throwin it back to my high school days.
When I was in high school, just like Kian, for as tall and skinny as I was, I played a lot of tough sports.
I was on my schools rugby team with my best friend Mali, on the basket ball team and the... badminton team, I think.
I think I only joined that because my boyfriend at the time was on it."

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