veintitres - 23

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"Hello everyone, this is Angeles Singer coming to you with another twice a weekly video on this channel, and as promised, I have a guest with me.
Today, joining me in the rather oddly topic video is, none other than Kian Lawley!"

He shot up from lying stretched out on his back across his bed.

"Wassup guys... it's Kian!"

"Okay I know we're in Kian's room filming this, it's just more secluded than my room... plus his beds really comfy!"


"Not for long!
So today, Kian and I are doing a sit-down video, and it's a questions tag... and it's the dirty questions tag!
So for those of you who have been around long enough, you'll remember I made yall a promise that I would remake this video since the last time I tried to do it, well... yeah!"

"It's fucking funny!"

"Shut up Kian! I'm actually not as excited as you are to share my sex life across the Internet for everyone to hear about forever!"

Kian shrugged.

"None the less, we're gonna answer these questions one hundred percent honestly, and we're gonna get to know each other a bit more!
By the way, I couldn't find the same exact list of questions I tried to answer last time, but don't worry, I found one that's just as dirty!"

"I've done sexy questions videos so many times, but never with a girl."

"What? You nervous?" I asked shimmying up to him. He laughed.


"Good, then let's get it!
First question!
I'm already all shaky!
What's your number one turn on?"

"Oh, I'm answering first but this is your video, okay, I see!"

"Ugh, okay, my number turn on is guys who are taller than me."


"It's cute to be short and have a really tall boyfriend!"

"Yeah, but we're answering questions for sexual purposes, remember?"

"Oh yeah...
Okay, well... now there are a lot!"

"Name em."

"Okay, um...
OH! Nice arms, and that's a bad one but ouff, muscular -but not to the point where it's gross- arms are like, my kryptonite."

"So nice arms?"

"And hands!
And then for personality, since that kind of matters; basically a guy who is not an asshole!"

Kian laughed.

"Okay, for me, I'll keep it real simple; cuddling."

"Oh yeah?"

"OH yeah! Especially when you're spooning and the girl like, moves her butt around on your crotch, mm!"

"Wow, transcendent!
OH! Tattoos! That's a huge turn on!"

"So nice arms with tattoos?"

"Yes perfect!
Next: favourite position?
Well I already know yours."

"What is it?"

"Stand over bed doggy!"

"Aha, wow!" he laughed.

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