treinta y siete - 37

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It had been the most fear filled week of my life. Knowing that Laurent lived in LA now, and that he wanted another chance. I was always scared going out that I'd run into him. I was scared to run into him alone, but if I was with Kian, I knew he'd just beat the crap out of him! After that week Kian and I did run into him... and his girlfriend. They invited us out for a double date, and we came up with the lamest excuse to avoid going...

I'm totally kidding; we straight up shut down the offer and strut away!

But in all honesty, I was happy that he had a girlfriend. Not because it meant he was finally moving on, but that he'd stay away from me. Hopefully...

"Angeles," Kian called. I was going work on his computer in his room.

I heard him run down the stairs, his footsteps getting louder as he reached the door, pushing it open. He popped his head in, looking around before spotting me at his desk right beside the door. He frowned. I looked back doe-eyed. I couldn't believe how long his hair was again. I reminded me I had to cut mine soon, and touch up my roots. 'LA Sky' was for sure a keeper.

"What are you doing on my computer?" he asked semi-surprised.

"I'm doing work," I answered innocently.

"How did you get on?"

I paused, bolting my eyes from the side to side. "I'm doing work." He laughed.

"Pizza or Szechuan?" he asked.

"Szechuan," I replied, turning back to face the screen.

"Got it," he said closing the door.

"Oh Kian! Order extra dumplings, fried rice and steamed veggies, I eat leftovers for days!" I called, hoping he'd hear me.

"I know!" he called from the other side of the door. I smiled. My man!

"I liked your video from Vancouver," I said, picking up a piece of General Tao with my chopsticks. "You look like you had a good time."

"I did," he replied then smiled. "I'll bring you next time."

I grinned. "Good, cos I missed you last time!"

He smiled so wide and leaned over, kissing me softly. I sat with my legs over him with his plate of hot food keeping my shins warm in the sofa room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" he asked, reaching for the remote.

"Not Tangled," I said sternly.

"Why not?" he cried.

"Because we watched it two days ago!"

"Well... I forgot what happened!"

I rolled my eyes.

"What about Frozen?"


"Yeah I knew you'd say that!" he laughed and groaned. "Brother Bear?"


"I see your Canadian roots shining through!"

He set up the movie, made popcorn and even brought me a bowl of ice cream. This man, I tell you, he was a keeper.


In the middle of the movie, around eleven, Angel was passed out beside me. Sure she was like an owl most nights, but when she got tired, she was out like a light. And when she started dreaming, she was like a puppy. She twitched and made soft muffle sounds. And usually that meant she was cold. I would wrap her in blankets and cuddle her until she stopped and she'd lie still and soundless.

It amazed me how much I'd grown accustomed to her habits. They were memorized and stored in the mind like files. I'd learned things about her like I was studying her. I could now confidently say I knew her like the back of my hand. I knew exactly how she liked her coffee, and I'd mastered it so when she came upstairs on the rare occasion that I was up before her, she'd have a coffee ready to sip. I knew exactly what she ordered from Taco Bell. It hasn't changed since the day she tried it for the first time. I knew exactly where all the freckles on her body were. So well, that to me it was like finding the little and big dipper in the sky, only the constellations were like tan dots scattered all over her being.

When the movie finished, rather than wake her, I bundled her up like a burrito in blankets and carried her carefully down the stairs and placed her gently into bed, leaving the perfect amount of space for me to climb in beside her and hold her. I loved waking up and having her in my arms, or sprawled out on top of me, or with me in her arms.

I loved just feeling her smooth skin. I was happy to give her massages because I got to touch her. Or after sex, just lying naked half under the sheets, I'd just trail my fingers over to stomach and abdomen. I loved playing with her hair. It was like silk, and I loved the way it felt when it slipped through my fingers. I always tried styling it, proving much more labour intensive than I'd anticipated and I'd always get frustrated and give up, but after five minutes my hands would be wound back up in the soft locks.

Her legs. I loved her legs! I'd always be the first one she'd tell that she'd waxed or shaved her legs. I'd make her sit with me, and I'd grab and stroke her legs until my arms got tired. She made a full video about how much I loved her legs on her channel. I was always mocked, but I didn't care; I had Angeles long smooth legs to feel!

And I loved her voice. She'd invested in a few new instruments; a ukulele, a small guitar and a new regular guitar, and she played them from dust till dawn. I came home and she sat on the window sill in her fuzzy socks and a big long sleeve, strumming a tune and singing along. When she realized I was there, she'd grin, blush and hide behind the neck. She brought at least one to all the gatherings we had, and she'd jam, while sitting on the sofas, or around a fire on the beach. Or just between us, she'd sing me to sleep. Her angelic voice, so soft and whispered beside me, while her hands rubbed my arms or my back. And sometimes, I'd be lucky enough to wake up to her singing, and when I'd open my eyes and look at her, her light skin, glowy and youthful, her bright eyes and beaming smile, she'd grin and lean over and kiss my nose and whisper "good morning my love" and I would just want to hold her forever.

I loved her so much it gave my heart palpitations. I loved her so much it felt like a rock plummeted in my stomach. I loved her so much I didn't think she knew it well enough and I keep feeling that there must be another way I could prove it to her. I couldn't fathom how I'd become so lucky as to end up with a girl like Angeles Windy.


I want Kian to be my bf :( I'm making myself jealous writing up angeles!!!

I'll try to update as much as I can, but if not -cos I'll be gettin busy pretty soon- I wish you all Happy Holidays and a very happy New Year!! I love you all so much <3

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