treinta y seis - 36

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I woke up every day now thinking of how infatuated I was with Kian. And I went to bed thinking the same thing. Kian made my world go round. He gave me my reason to stay alive for the next year. We celebrated it with dinner, jumping the fence to see the Hollywood sign -and not getting caught and arrested by S.W.A.T- and then like most nights, great sex! Not only did he make my world go round, he also rocked it!

He was in Vancouver, so Jc and I have the house to ourselves for the weekend. I couldn't help but feel jealous when seeing the cloud pictures on his Snapchat story. For one, I wanted to take cool plane pictures, two, I wanted to travel more, and three, I wanted to travel back to Canada. I missed it so much, and very unexpectedly, it was Montreal that I was missing most. Maybe it was knowing that I now had a family back home. Mom and I talked two or three times a week, and Adam and talked to almost every day. Of course, I could never bring myself to leave LA. That was my home now. It was wear Kian was. My life belonged in LA. My heart belonged to LA.

"Hey Jc," I called, walking through the kitchen and to the fridge to grab a water bottle. "I'm going out, could you please let Tag out?"

"Yep, where you going?" he asked, looking up from his phone briefly.

"Just downtown, do a little shopping," I told him. "This summer has been hot as hell and I need new summer oriented clothes."

"Wear the same ones twice," he suggested.

"I sweat in them too much too," I admitted, cheeks blushing slightly in embarrassment.

"Well what do you do?" he asked laughing.

"Walk outside," I answered cocking up and eyebrow. "Don't forget my dog. Do you need anything?"

"We need popcorn and can you buy food?"

"Yes, I'll go buy popcorn and food," I joked. "Bye, my dog!"

I hopped in the drivers side of my jeep. I had all the doors and the roof off. My favorite part of summer honestly. When I drove the wind whipped in and gave me some relief from this over-bearing heat.

On my way to the shops I remembered we actually needed more cat food. Vega and my pig Yoda ate an entire bag in two weeks, and we also adopted slash saved this little white and black spotted kitten from the side of the highway. We named him Moo. Kian didn't know about him yet. It would be quite the surprise when he returned home.

Thank god the pet store had AC, because just the short walk from the car to the door had me breathless. I walked through the aisles and found the kitties regular food, only this time I bought it in a larger bag. On my way back to the front, out from the racks walked someone and I bumped into them.

"Oh sorry," I said, turning swiftly around to look over, but my stomach dropped, and nearly the bag in my arms. It was Laurent... my ex boyfriend from Montreal Laurent. Aka, Ging.

"Angeles," he said, clearly just as surprised as I was. I guess it would have been a little less shocking if we'd bumped into each other in, oh I don't know, say... MONTREAL!

"Laurent," I said hardly, straightening out. "What are you doing here?"

"What, in the pet shop or in LA?" he asked, trying to be funny. I hardened my stare, making him shift. "I, uh, moved here," he stammered.

"You sure you didn't, uh, follow me?" I snapped.

"No, I had no idea you lived here," he said awkwardly.

I nodded, semi-unconvinced. I then turned towards the cash and started walking away without another word.

"Wait, Angel," I heard him call.

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