siete - 7

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"Hi everyone, this is Trevor, and today, I am joined with a very special guest."


"This is Angeles Singer, from Canada! I've never done a collab with her partially because she like, just moved to LA, but I thought it would be fun to, yunno, expand my collab friends list."

I giggled.

"So, today I have brought along my lovely new friend Angeles to do a challenge video, because it's been a while and I found a fun one. Angeles has yet to know what the challenge is, so we're gonna go right ahead and explain."

"If I'm being totally honest, I'm a little terrified."


"Well, because last time I collabed with someone and did a challenge, I got set on fire and pushed down a hill and then thrown in a pool."

"Well at least you didn't like, go up in flames, you got thrown in a pool."

"I filmed that video in January, in Montreal, January Trevor."

"Ohhhh... was it cold?"

"And brown and ice, yes."

"Oh my god!"

"So maybe no fire, hills or pools this time, okay?"

"None of those things are involved. Today my dear Angel and I are doing the 2 Truths 1 Lie challenge."

"Wow, I was nervous for nothing."

"Oh honey, we're playing with my rules though..."

"... shit..."

"So, basically, if you don't know what the challenge is, one person is gonna tell the other person three things about them self and one of the things is a lie, and you have to guess which one is the lie to win the round."

"Sounds good."

"We're not finished with the rules yet. So if the person correctly guesses the lie, nothing happens, yay, you know me so well! But if you get it wrong, you need to remove a piece of clothing."


He burst out laughing.

"I'm sorry, I just needed to see how you were gonna react to that!"

I swatted his arm and he laughed harder.

"No, but really, if the person gets it wrong, we're gonna take this Sharpie and start to draw kitty whiskers and nose and ears on that person's face, a cat part for every wrong answer and the first one that gets their full cat face needs to jump in the pool."

"Jump in the pool?"

"That's correct."

"I thought you said no pools would be involved."

"My pool is... clean..."


"What, you scared you gonna lose?"

"No... of course not..."

"Then without further adieu, let's get started kitties!"

"I couldn't believe it when, after having him for like ten months, Jc only just found out Vega was a dude!"

Trevor bent backward over the chair laughing. I giggled.

"Alright, who's first?"

"Me, cos I'm a lady, that's why?"

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