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The beach was wide spread and busy, but not to the point where there were too many people. Just right... I guess. I never went to the beach, I wouldn't know.

Angeles set down her bag and towel in a heep.

"Oh my god!" she whined. "Is it always this hot?!"

"Welcome to California!" I said grinning.

"That's the second welcoming I've gotten from you today," she beamed.

"Yeah well," I shrugged. She giggled.

"Kay, well, I'm going in the water, it's too hot to just stand here and look at it under this burning sun," she said. Her hands fell to her sides and gripped the bottom hem off her muscle top. The material was lifted smoothly off her body, revealing a beautiful tan, slim, curvy, muscle-y torso. Wow, Angeles was, wow...

Her shorts slid down her legs, and I must say I must have stared in awe for a few seconds. Why didn't she run a fitness and sexy body channel?!

"Join me?" she asked, standing in front of me.

"Nah, you go ahead," I said, sitting down on a towel.

"Watch from afar kinda guy?" she winked.

"Yeah, so do something cute," I said, nodding. She laughed, shaking her head.

She turned and strut towards the water. I watched her move, amazed. Normally I wasn't the guy to care about looks, and I guess I'm not that guy anyway, but Angeles was just sexy. Slim but curvy, tan with that long dark hair, and amazing without even trying. I'd known this girl for a day, and this is what I thought of her!



For a few weeks, I wasn't able to ever get my rent pay in on time, I wasn't making enough money to pay for that and life necessities. I was really stuck, and a little scared to be completely honest.

I was brushing my hair, trying to get the ridiculous tangles out before I left the house. Kian invited me for another day out on the town. We'd grown quite close, and we spent a lot of time hanging out. Just like I'd found with Trevor and I, Kian and I had a lot in common, but the same common factor; we were both SUPER weird!

I picked up my phone and sent him a message asking if he wanted to make a vlog. I hadn't updated my vlog channel in a really long time, plus Kian and I had a fun day planned out; penny boarding, as always, In N Out, mall, probably more food, troll around a bit. The norm!

My phone buzzed almost instantly after I set my phone back down.

*Bring a camera;)*

I smiled.

I still hadn't gotten myself a new car, now I really couldn't -wasn't really in the best financial position to be buying new cars- but I had added a member around the house; Yoda, the Himalayan midget kitten. He was the sweetest thing ever. I kind of got him for free, as he'd been left in a box outside old apartment building. I found him inside, took him home and claimed him as my own. That kind of gave me an idea of where all my money had gone; he needed shots and lots of vet appointments and special formulas to insure his survival. Worth it in the long run. Now if I get kicked out of my house because I can't pay the rent, I'll have a cat to cuddle! I shouldn't kid around, this was actually a pretty serious issue at the moment.

"Kitty wassibi!" I called, seeing Yoda fumble into the room. It sounded more like I said Titty though! In spending a lot of time hanging out with both Kian and Jc, I'd kind of adapted the signature voice they spoke in. I set down my brush and popped up from my bed, rushing over and picking Yoda up and holding him close to my face while I kissed his soft fluffy cheek. "I feed you before I go, and then I go!" I said in a babyish voice.

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