veinte - 20

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"I'm still worried about Angeles," Jc announced lowly from across the kitchen.

"You don't say," I said sarcastically. "I've heard you say it about ten times today."

"But seriously Kian, you know, she says she's feeling better, but she could be lying so we get off her case," he argued.

"Or, she is feeling better, and is feeling threatened because you don't think she's better," I said back. "Dude, you're acting like she's sitting in her room plotting her next attempt as we speak."

"Don't fucking say that," he hissed.

"Don't act like I'm the one being unthoughtful, you're the 'checking to see if she needs anything' every ten minutes when really you're just going in to see if she's alive," I snapped.

Jc glared at me.

"Okay look, I get you're scared," I said, a more civil tone this time. "I am too, but we need to give her her space and trust her."

I heard a door close loudly from the hallway. It wasn't slammed, just closed loudly. There's no word for that.

Angeles walked out from the hallway, dressed up in high-waist ripped blue jeans and a thin striped black and white top. Her dark hair was down and wavy, flipped over to one side and flowing down her one shoulder and back.

"I'm going out," she said nonchalant.

A brief moment passed where I thought maybe she'd been listening in on mine and Jc's conversation. There was no telling whether she had, but she smiled as she picked up here keys and walked out the door.

"Okay," I turned back around and faced Jc. "We just need to watch what we say around her, the only thing I'm worried about to spitting out something that'll hurt her feelings."

"But she's tough, so let's not treat her like a baby," Jc suggested. "She'd know something was up then."

I nodded.

"Okay, K and J tomorrow, I'll go finish editing," he said.

I nodded again.


It was around seven and Angeles had yet to return. We didn't know what to do in the situation. Calling her felt like we were suspicious of her, but not calling felt like we didn't care. This was new ground we were breaking, and it was a lot harder to manoeuvre through.

The door clicked open, and I was in the kitchen eating chips when Angel walked in, pizza box in hand.

"Dinner!" she yelled, then smiled widely. I smiled back at her.

Jc jogged in.

"You got pizza?" he asked excitedly looking at the box.

"Your favourite," she answered opening the box.

"Angel," he said, referring to a literal angel and leaning down and kissing her cheek.

Angel was a literal angel. I believed it. Flawless, well-minded, could live through just about anything. Angel.

"So what did you do today?" I asked, reaching over and grabbing a slice of pizza.

"Got a tattoo," she answered bluntly.

I hadn't even noticed the cellophane wrapped around her arm.

"Wow, what is it?" Jc asked, peering over.

"A tiger," she said.

"Can we see?" I asked.

She lifted her right arm up and turned it inward. Her inner forearm was tatted with a huge white tiger head with bright blue eyes. It was gorgeous.

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