trece - 13

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"Hey Angel," I beamed, bursting through the door into Angel's room.

"What's up Kian?" she asked, voice bubbly, as always. She lay flat on her stomach, her laptop on the bed in front of her. She wore Roots sweatpants and a black tank top. Her hair was in a floppy bun right on top of her head. I smiled.

"Wanna collab? Jc doesn't," I asked. "It's a challenge video."

"Hey sure!" she said enthusiastically. "What challenge?"

"Hot sauce challenge," I answered, cocking up my eyebrows and smirking.

"Oh god," she said, her smiling turning into a cringe. I laughed.

"Come on, it'll be fun," I grinned.

"Said no one ever," she said, her face falling into the scrunched up duvet. "But fine, I'll get ready and come out."

Angeles came out moments later, sporting a loose white long sleeve with a CA bear and some ripped black skinny jeans. Her hair was pulled into a messy high ponytail, pieces framing her face falling out and floating or hanging by her cheeks.

"Hey cutie," I grinned.

"Shh, let's get this over with," she said. I chuckled.

"What's up guys, it's Kian... you knew that.

But what you didn't know was that I was collabing with my aweshome friend Angeles.

Now, funny story, Angel actually lives with Jc and I now."

"Haha, that is a funny story, and I'll be talking all about it in my next video."

"While we're on the subject, go subscribe to Angel's channels, they'll be linked below, and watch and like and share her videos, because they're AWESHOME!"

"Oh stop it you!"

We both laughed. I loved hearing her laugh.

"What are we doing today Kian?"

"Today... we are doing... the hot sauce challenge."

"I knew that."


So I know that Jc and I already did the hot pepper challenge, and that sucked ass.

But I was running out of ideas, I just saw another channel do this video and thought 'eh, what the hell? ANGELES!'"

"And then he dragged me into this, so here I am.

I'm not looking forward to this, at all!"

"You don't even know!

The hot pepper challenge... yeah, I couldn't feel my mouth for like, three hours!"

"Oh baby, three hours, that's terrible!"

"Shhh, it was more like three days."

"THREE DAYS, oh, the horror!"


So the rules are gonna be the same ones that applied to the hot pepper challenge.

You spin the wheel, whatever it lands on, you take a spoonful of that hot sauce, and we got a bunch of different kinds, we got Frank's..."

"I put that sh-t on everything!"

"Haha okay, um, we got Blair's, Angel recommended it."

"It's f-cking hot!"

"Is it bad?"

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