quince - 15

169 7 4


So not many of you will actually know this.. but you should...


Kian and Jc both jumped onto my bed on either side of me. At the same time, they both leaned in to press a kiss on my cheek, and they both kinda smashed into my face.


"Sorry!" they said in unison.

"But yeah, hey guys, I'm finally seventeen!
I feel no change, just another year of my life down, and hopefully plenty more to come!"

"You're so cute Angel, but I gotta go edit the new KNJ vid."

You filmed without me?
That's rare.
Whatevs! It'll just be Kian and me.
We're actually not just here to tell the world it's ma birfday! We're doing an Ask slash Dare slash Truth Angel and Kian I guess because he's here with me so ask and dare and truth us some stuff."

"Actually Angel, before we start, got somethin fur you!"

Kian pulled a little box out from behind him. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper. I looked up at him, and he had a small cheeky grin on his face.

"Kian, I said no gifts," I said in a small voice, feeling a smile creep onto my lips.

"I know but I saw it and thought you'd like it," he said smiling. "Happy birthday Angel."

I took the small box slowly from his hands, bubbly the whole time and slowly began to peel off the thin paper. Inside was a cardboard box with a lotus flower print on the top. I internally gasped lightly. I opened it up and inside was a rusted silver chain necklace with a little circle pendant with an elephant into it. Now I externally gasped.


He grinned.

"Oh my god, you are the sweetest person alive, come here!"

I sat up on my knees and hugged his neck tightly, and he lost balance and fell backwards on my bed. I fell half atop of him and we burst into giggles.

"So you like it?"

"I love it, it's beautiful!"

We sat back up, this time a little closer than before. I picked it out of the box by the clasp so it dangled in front of us.

"It's so beautiful! I wanna put it on."


He reached over and took it from my fingers. I smiled and turned my back to him while he fixed it around my neck. I held to fly-aways from my messy bun out of the way while he clipped the back.


I looked down to see how it fell directly in the middle of my collarbones. Perfect.

"I'm honestly never taking this off, it's so pretty.
If you ever see me with this off, it means there's something wrong, and you should chat me up."

Kian had the biggest smile on his face.

"Did you know that an elephant with its trunk up like this on silver jewellery is good luck?"

"No, really?"

"Yeah, so thanks for the good luck!"

"Well, that's rusted silver..."

"Maybe that means... better luck..."


"Okay, we're gonna get into the vid!
Tweet us using the hashtag AskDareTruthAngelAndKian and we'll get to your... stuff!
Kian's gonna be on his phone too and we'll take turns."

"Oh, I got one:
'You guys should have a ship name'.
We should dood!"

"Down, what should our ship name be?
Someone send me what Kian and mine's ship name is."



"It's 'Kiangel'."



"That's frickin cute, thanks guys!
Got one!
'@LosAngel when are you getting your braces off? Love you xx'
Love you too at ANGELSBABEXX !
Um, actually, in a week."

"A week?!"

"Yeah dood! I found an orthodontist and went in for an orientation and he was like 'hey dood, your teeth are done, why you still gotcho braces on dood?!'"

"So a week and we'll see what braceless Angel looks like.
Can't wait dood!"

"Let's do a dare dood!"

"'I dare you two to kiss.'"




"Well it's a dare, can't back down."

I smiled and laughed forcefully. I hoped it didn't sound too much like a fake laugh. Kian turned and looked back at me, then leaned in swiftly. His head tilted slightly and I felt his lips press lightly onto mine. I kissed him back.

He kissed me for a few seconds, then pulled away, but didn't go far. He lingered close to my face a little longer.

"We should crash this part out, like you do in yours and Jc's videos," I whispered practically onto his lips he was so close still.

"Yeah, keep em' guessing," he whispered back. I smiled.

Is it weird I want you to do that again?

I kind of wish I'd said it out loud. He leaned back to his spot on the bed and we both looked back at the camera. My cheeks felt flushed, and when I took another look at Kian, his were tinted pink, ever so faintly. I smiled.

"HOKAY! More to come!
Question from kiansflowercrowns: 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGELES...'
Thank you!
'Are you gonna come back to MTL to visit?'
Um... I would, but I'd only be visiting fans and friends because fam is... well, it's tough."

I turned and Kian was giving me an odd look. Shit...

"Kian, any questions, truths, dares?
Dares, truths?
Tseh bo!"

"Yeah, truth from caylenbosesmeh: 'tour dates?! Also.. is Angeles coming with you on tour, that would be so rad!'"

"So rad dood!
And to answer your question; I... will... try..."

"And tour dates...
We'll be leaving the f-"

He leaned in real close again and whispered to me.

"Block this out too will you babe?"

I couldn't help but grin. He'd just keep reelin em' in and lettin em' go until they snapped!



Also, early update because I realized I missed last Friday, and also one of my friends was asking ;) you know who you are love xox

ALSO, the users are made up, but if they actually belong to someone, well lucky you, you're in my story! I may use some of my friends users if they don't mind :)

I thought this chapter was pree cute not gonna lie. Some kissing action never hurt! I like the picture I added too!! Imagine kissing Kian... I do a lot :))))))))

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